Thunder's Place

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Penis Envy ...cut Vs. Uncut

Originally Posted by kong1971

PS— I think it is great that you gave your son a choice, and I respect your wife for deferring to your wishes. All too often, women do not. I’m sure your son will appreciate your decision in the future, as the negative consequences of circumcision become more well-known and more accepted.

Choice? I’ve told him that after I went to bat for him to save his intact penis, if he ever gets it cut I’ll disown him for being an ungrateful whelp. Of course he knows I’m kidding. Maybe. Luckily he is quite happy with his present penile status. A little too happy maybe.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Originally Posted by tony1982_in
I’ve Been Cut Since Childhood (orthodox Catholic)

A: What is an “orthodox Catholic”. I see “orthodox” and “Catholic” as two mutually exclusive terms.

B: Since when does Catholicism require circumcision? Circumcision is not practiced in any of the predominantly Catholic countries. St. Peter made it quite clear that believing in Jesus replaces Abraham’s Covenant.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Another misconception of circumcision. Gentiles are not required to circumcise, although some have come to believe this somehow. My wife was one of them.

Re: “A little too happy maybe.” Hehehe

I want to get cut. Any advice on price, pros/cons. Yes/No?

Good thing you stood up for your son. Tradition is secure and comfy, but seldom go hand in hand with intellect.

__________________________________________________ _

Since 2004 oct 10th: 1,25" BPEL , 0.6" Girth

well, i’ll throw in something here. i’m uncut and have never wished for a change. however, i don’t think there is a reliable rule that uncut guys are more sensitive or that cut guys are longer lasting. The sexual response is picked up by habituation more than pure physiology. Dan Savage, the sex advice columnist, always advises varying your masturbation routines for this reason, so as not to get too used to non-partnered sex.

I have been with numerous women for whom I was their first uncut guy. Some were nervous about what to do with it at first but all came around to liking it alot. i’m 8x6, and have had lots of good comments about my dick. often, “it’s beautiful” which i’ve always found a little strange.

I would not have my son cut, but mainly beacause I don’t buy for a minute that it doesn’t hurt like hell for the poor little dude. I think that all other things being equal he would adapt sexually to either configuration and get on with it. There is some added care in cleaning if you are uncut. Parents need to not be shy about cleaning it and teaching the kid how to clean it. try attaching it to the Q-Tip safety conversation. But cut guys, you should wash your dicks too- i’m just saying…

Well, for a comparison between cut and uncut, the only guys who can really say are those who got cut in adulthood and those who have restored. The rest are just talking out their butts because they’ve never had it both ways.

I am partially restored and I have noted a great increase in pleasure. Most restorers agree.

I have heard some men who got cut in adulthood say it’s better and it’s worse. For those who say it’s better, it’s my personal opinion that they do feel a heightened sense of pleasure from the glans because it is freshly exposed and hasn’t yet grown dulled and cornified from irritation.

Everyone has a right to their opinion, tho.

I am trying to think of some negative about restoration so that my post sounds more even-handed and less anti-circ, but I can’t think of anything except the odor.. And I confess, I kinda like that too.

Originally Posted by kong1971

I have heard some men who got cut in adulthood say it’s better and it’s worse. For those who say it’s better, it’s my personal opinion that they do feel a heightened sense of pleasure from the glans because it is freshly exposed and hasn’t yet grown dulled and cornified from irritation.

Everyone has a right to their opinion, tho.

I agree with this statement. It makes me think about the first blow job I ever got and up until then I had always masturbated with the skin over the glans. When she gave me head, it pulled the skin back exposing the glans and that was the first time I can remember any type of sexual contact without the skin… It was amazing, almost too sensitive, but that was when I was 18. Now I’m 26 and a helluva lot of sex since then and now I can’t really tell the difference when I have sex if the skin pulls back or not. So my guess is that unless you have an extremely tight foreskin to where it does not retract during sex, stimulation should be similar to both cut and uncut men as far as the glans is concerned. However I do believe that there are still alot of nerves in the skin as I do have a prince albert piercing and it rubs against the skin during sex and is very stimulating. This added sensitivity is definately something the cut guys are missing but of course as many people have already argued, they will never know unless they were cut during adulthood.

"I am the master of the C.L.I.T." Starting 4/3/05: 6 5/8 BPEL 5 EG (Base) 4 3/8 BPFL 4 FG Current: 7/3/05 7 1/2 BPEL 6 1/2 EG (Base) 5 7/8 BPFL 5 1/4 FG

Originally Posted by soon10x7
I want to get cut. Any advice on price, pros/cons. Yes/No?

First of all, why do you want to get cut? I thought about getting cut back in the day because I thought I looked different and wanted to fit in as alot of uncut guys feel but that was a phase back in junior high. I am glad now that I am not cut as I see it is somewhat more desirable to have to both men and women (at least the women I’ve been with.) I can’t think of any real pros unless it is a medical issue.

"I am the master of the C.L.I.T." Starting 4/3/05: 6 5/8 BPEL 5 EG (Base) 4 3/8 BPFL 4 FG Current: 7/3/05 7 1/2 BPEL 6 1/2 EG (Base) 5 7/8 BPFL 5 1/4 FG

I never understod why anyone would take their kids to the “butcher” to cut a piece of their penis off. Why don’t they cut their kids eye lids off as well. That way their kids can see all the time. There is no reason to subject anyone to an operation that’s not needed.

:buttrock: The Peter Dick method :buttrock:

Then, BPEL:7.500"x5.500"

Now, BPEL:8.375"X6.750"

It’s different for every man. A loose cut guy who managed to keep his frenelum and still retained the skin mobility and sensitivity of the glans would probably not notice much difference in restoring. For a tight cut guy like me, the difference is night and day. I actually feel like a sexual being now, compared to before.

If you think that “sex is not all that” or you have actual physical problems with erections, pain, whatnot, you could be circumcised too tightly and could find relief and a great deal of sexual benefits in doing foreskin restoration.

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
I thought it was Paul?

Oops. Absolutely. Saul of Tarsus all the way. Damn edit button…

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Well, I am uncut.for me to think, it is better to get cut, I don;t know why.maybe it feel more clean? Or tidy?

But for those who shaved, I think it will better uncut, cos it will reveal your real ;)


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