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Penis Plus device, any good

Penis Plus device, any good

I’m new to this forum and PE in general, and I know the general newbie advice is not to buy anything..

But I don’t want the gf to know I’m doing PE until I can show her some results. Also jelqing seems very time consuming and time is something I do not have (much of). I’ve been browsing the forums looking for a solution that could do the work for me while I do mine. :)

I’ve heard some positive things about stretching devices like the Penimaster (almost bought one) and Auto-EXT, but they don’t seem to conceal easily and I don’t have a lot of time to myself. In this respect the Penis Plus seems ideal. It looks like no one would notice it if I were to wear it under my work clothes.

Two things have me worried though:

1. Will it do me any good?

Most of the guys using stretching devices use them as part of a routine often including pumping and jelqing. Will I see any results using the PP only?

2. Will my dick fall off? :P

OK, probably not, but I’m still a little worried about the string-type attachment.. Even if start with short intervals the first two weeks to condition my dick, will I eventually be able to wear it for 5 hours straight? Does your dick give specific signals when your glans are running low on blood?

I’m hoping you guys will forgive my insolence for not doing the newbie routine first and shed some light on this for me.

I bought the andro penis over £100 cant remember exact amount anyway, I feel that it was a waste for me, it was too uncomfortable to wear for any periods of time, and it is not easy to bend down/maneuver. If you stand still all day you may have better look, but for me they are a no no. Manual stretching is my advice, it can be done whenever you use the toilet and when you have 5 mins to yourself, you can pull the trousers up in a flash if someone walks in, so sneaky PE is possible.

Good luck.

"If your not growing your dying"

"That which does not kill you only makes you stronger"

Originally Posted by godzila

I bought the andro penis over £100 can’t remember exact amount anyway, I feel that it was a waste for me, it was too uncomfortable to wear for any periods of time, and it is not easy to bend down/maneuver. If you stand still all day you may have better look, but for me they are a no no.

I googled for that andro penis, and it seems like a Penimaster with penis plus-like attachment. I can imagine with that thing on you couldn’t do much more than lie on your back.. Penis plus is more like monkeybars’ Auto-ADS, except the penis is positioned upwards, making it almost impossible to spot I think.

Originally Posted by godzila
Manual stretching is my advice, it can be done whenever you use the toilet and when you have 5 mins to yourself, you can pull the trousers up in a flash if someone walks in, so sneaky PE is possible.

That would take a lot of toilet breaks to get results I think. My colleagues and girlfriend would start thinking I have the runs year round.. :X

Originally Posted by godzila

Good luck.

Thanks. And thanks for the reply.

No one else?

Godzila already answered you query, but is you insist-

The PenisPlus is a noose attachment with a ‘root-loop’ that has been used successfully by some here- bombazine is one I believe. It is manufactured by the same folks who make the PhalloSan- the vacuum condom attachment variant of the PenisPlus recently engaged by 789 if I recall- I had purchased one and have never been able to successfully apply the thing- and slipping the condom on my glans hurts like a bitch.

I had the Andro for a good bit before I came to TP and I got nowhere with it because it fucking HURTS! Noose devices suck, vegasvic’s experience notwithstanding. I have purchased a PenisMaster replacement head on eBay which works a lot better- but as you noted above, extender type mechanisms aren’t really stealthy.

Also note that spring-loaded extenders’ instruction manuals map out a progressive incremental ‘tension’ program that left my glans cold and purple on more than one occasion. Result? More pain.

Why do I keep harping on the ‘pain’? What am I, some kind of pussy? When it comes to dickie pain, Yes, I am the king of all pussies.

I don’t believe that it is at all necessary to have pain in order to grow a bigger schvantz. I believe the hallmark of a smart and useful PE device is one that places safety and comfort at the head of the list, along with stealth wherever practicable [obviously not so much for a hanger or a pump or even a clamp], if only to promote the regular usage required for gains.

The AutoADS by monkeybar IS truly stealth, and is literally comfortable enough to wear for hours in a row. While it does attach to the knee area, that shouldn’t be a problem unless you wear shorts regularly- and if you do you can readily improvise a root-loop similar to the PenisPlus to wear it up and away [I have, using an old silk necktie].

Will you see results using any extender alone? The commercial sites would have you pretty much believe that- although the PenisMaster site does sell a package that includes a PowerJelq device to be used in conjunction with the PM, thus implying otherwise. Some here seem to have made gains solely using an extender [again, I believe that vegasvic may be one], but I expect that the common wisdom would be to use whatever device in conjunction with regular manual PE.

My US$.02? Newbie routine for a minimum of three months [although I’d reverse the stretch with the Jelq] at the start of your day, perhaps in your morning shower for privacy, then apply the AutoADS as you go through your day.
The next day? Rinse and repeat.

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Originally Posted by desmad
I’m new to this forum and PE in general, and I know the general newbie advice is not to buy anything..

But I don’t want the gf to know I’m doing PE until I can show her some results. Also jelqing seems very time consuming and time is something I do not have (much of). I’ve been browsing the forums looking for a solution that could do the work for me while I do mine. :)

I’ve heard some positive things about stretching devices like the Penimaster (almost bought one) and Auto-EXT, but they don’t seem to conceal easily and I don’t have a lot of time to myself. In this respect the Penis Plus seems ideal. It looks like no one would notice it if I were to wear it under my work clothes.

Two things have me worried though:

1. Will it do me any good?

Most of the guys using stretching devices use them as part of a routine often including pumping and jelqing. Will I see any results using the PP only?

2. Will my dick fall off? :P

OK, probably not, but I’m still a little worried about the string-type attachment.. Even if start with short intervals the first two weeks to condition my dick, will I eventually be able to wear it for 5 hours straight? Does your dick give specific signals when your glans are running low on blood?

I’m hoping you guys will forgive my insolence for not doing the newbie routine first and shed some light on this for me.

I’ll answer in “bullet points” :)

  • Penis Plus is not a “stretching” device. Its based on the principle of traction. Unless you are able to wear it for at least 4 hours a day (preferably 8 or so) then you are unlikely to get gains using only this device
  • Yes, it is visible under clothing, and very difficult for most to wear for more than 1-2 hours (sometimes much less) without restricting circulation
  • Your dick won’t “fall off”, but if it goes cold/turns blue or black, get the device off ASAP before you do some serious damage, as those are signs of no fresh blood flow which can lead to tissue death
  • Do the newbie routine. Everyone starts here, as its the ideal starting place for newbies.
  • Any device with a noose/string attachment, AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE. Cuts off circulation too damn easy, and places pressure on the nerves in the penis (bad)
  • Your girlfriend is hardly likely to find out about your PEing if you just do a manual routines (jelqs/stretching) than if you bought a Penis Plus….what if she found it??

Current PE status - Contemplating Retirement. STARTED - 6.75"x5.25" CURRENTLY 7.5"x5.5" - BPFSL - 7.25"

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