Thunder's Place

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Penis size and masturbation Technique

Penis size and masturbation Technique

I was thinking, and wondered if it would be possible that penis size has some link between the ways we masturbate and our final adult penis size. We all can agree that we all have different techniques of masturbation. We use different hand movements, and play with different parts of our penises. Some of us focus more on the head, and others more on the shaft. Then, could it be possible that some men stumbled around techniques in their early teens that make their penises a little bit thicker or gave them a few extra inches on their penises.

Has this topic been discussed here. If not, maybe we can do a little survey with our naturally gifted members among others to see if there is a link between the way we have masturbated over the years and our penis sizes.

October 16, 2007 @ 6.25” BPEL 4.75” EG - February 07, 2009 @ 6.70 BPEL 5" EG

Currently: May, 2010 @ 7.5” BPEL 5.25” EG

Goal: 8.5" BPEL x 6" EG

I remember when I was young, about 12 or 13 when I first started to masturbated, after that day I first did it I have always done it alot, I also know I was 5” in length as I measured due to insecurity, I convinced my self I would always grow, I’m now 18 and have never done any PE, my penis is 6.5 in length BPEL and 6.1 NBPEL, I’ve just started doing PE now and hope to gain just one inch, that one inch being the difference of big ish and average, I would say a 7 is big and a 8 is very big, anything more and you have a monster cock. Perhaps masturbating could explain my changes but I am convinced the extra length that I have gain between 12 and 18 has been to do with natural growth.

Ilovemtl I see in 2 years you have only gained 0.55 in length and 0.25 in EG, have you done PE for all that time ?

Also I was wondering is masturbation a bad thing to do when PEing because I often masturbate on the same days a PE, sometimes I masturbate before PE so my erections are not to hard when jelqing. Is this wrong?

Originally Posted by andy1989
Ilovemtl I see in 2 years you have only gained 0.55 in length and 0.25 in EG, have you done PE for all that time ?

I barely PE. Those length and girth gain are from on and off PEing. Dont be discouraged. ;-)

October 16, 2007 @ 6.25” BPEL 4.75” EG - February 07, 2009 @ 6.70 BPEL 5" EG

Currently: May, 2010 @ 7.5” BPEL 5.25” EG

Goal: 8.5" BPEL x 6" EG

As far as masturbation technique I actually like to go palms down and thrust into my hand, with lube of course. But this is only recent within the last 2 years of so. I’m 25. Without lube I do the three finger technique with thumb on top and pointer and index finger underneath just behind the head about an inch, and just use the play in my skin. What about you guys?

I remember reading somewhere that young boys who masturbate more often tend to have slightly larger penises in adulthood. Not sure where I read it though.

Are you asking if by masturbating a certain way during puberty can effect natural gains to the penis?

yes, that is exactly what I am asking. Maybe a masturbation technique resembling one of the techniques we use here.

October 16, 2007 @ 6.25” BPEL 4.75” EG - February 07, 2009 @ 6.70 BPEL 5" EG

Currently: May, 2010 @ 7.5” BPEL 5.25” EG

Goal: 8.5" BPEL x 6" EG

I don’t know that it has anything to do with final penis size. My father has made reference to his just less than average penis size and how insecure he is about it. I too am just less than average (or I was until I found Thunder’s!) and can’t help but be mad at my father for not having a bigger cock for me to inherit, lol. I used to masturbate with a tight grip, not on purpose, but it just ended up that way. When I did, I noticed it seemed like my guy was smaller the next day. Not like it was shrinking, but like I abused it and that kept it from gaining in size. At least that is what I attribute my less than impressive penis size to, partially. I have since bought a silicone sleeve pussy that is hollow all the way thru and use it now. I can tell you that after the first few times, I noticed that my unit didn’t seem to be affected the next day like before when I kungfu gripped it. So now I mostly use the silicone pussy, it seems to yield a better nut anyway.

Just FYI, if you do buy one of these (I love it), if you put your finger just inside the other end and create a vacuum it feels more like head!

So I say yeah, I think that how you masturbate affects penis size. Especially if you implement some of the methods used for PE. I think one could gain girth if nothing else by PE masturbating. That’s just my .02

I’ve heard that jelqing during puberty is effective?

Not sure about masturbation technique as much as PE during puberty.

I’m not sure about size, but it can definitely have an affect on angle.

I personally know two individuals who have bent/crooked penises and both of them know why. The first is a childhood friend who masturbated by pressing his dick down on his stomach with the palm of his hand (instead of the usual grab, wrap, stroke) and he was very curved to the side in the direction of his stroke by the time we finished high school. The other one basically has peyronie’s with a sharp angle to the side - he thinks this was due to frequent erections in school where he tried to hide it by bending it to the side and down.

My journey .... My pics

Start BPEL 6.50" x MSEG 5.00"

Now BPEL 7.625" x MSEG 5.25"

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