Penis Weakened at base???
I am a little concerned here. I am noticing a spot just distal from the base of my penis where the grip is narrower when jelqing at 50-65% engorged. I believe this to be the location where I am squeezing during my jelq squeeze at 85-90% engorged. There is no pain. It just feels like an hour-glass shape near the base of my penis. My moring erection however was quite solid throughout, possibly even bigger. I was all wet in the shower so couldn’t measure.
My question is, has anyone else experienced this? Am I squeezing too hard. Should I not Jelq Squeeze. It feels right when I squeeze it tightly as I can feel it engorge and stretch slightly at the head.
I am getting a mentor soon, but until then, you all are my mentor. Thanks for the help.
It is ok to live in the "now", but never fail to plan for the future.