Thunder's Place

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Permanent gains, or lack thereof

Permanent gains, or lack thereof

So I’ve been doing some reading, and I’ve seen threads where guys lost very significant gains after stopping PE for extended periods of time; over an inch in some cases although they already had massive penises. I’m wondering, how on Earth is it even possible to lose that much length and girth? Many of these guys had been PEing for years as well. Here’s some example threads:

My Loss of Gains is Nearly Complete :(
The Permanence of PE Gains

This runs counter to my own experiences. I’ve been PEing since 19yrs old, when I first started jelqing. I didn’t see much of any size increase because I did it haphazardly and without real dedication. Real PEing didn’t start until I was around 26 or 27 or so when I bought a really nice VacuTech pump. That gave me a 1/4 of an inch girth increase over roughly 6 months, and to this day more than a decade later, it never left me.

Since I started PE up again over a month ago, I have made fantastic gains with a very aggressive pumping routine. In my first month, I gained 1/4 inch in length, and 1/2 an inch in girth. I measured on my second rest day late at night. Now that I’m on my 5th week, I have even noticed the base of my penis looking thicker than before since adopting high pressure pumping, with up to 15Hg in vacuum pressure though I haven’t measured yet. So my point is, I am definitely gaining at a rapid pace, but I’m also wondering how much of what I’m getting is permanent.

What factors influence permanency, and why do some guys lose so much once stopping while others don’t? My theory is that PE involves two types of size increases which are intertwined; tissue stretching/expansion and cell division. The former is temporary to a certain degree, but the latter is permanent. I think some guys lose gains because their bodies have a difficult time creating new tissue. The body’s ability to create new tissue depends heavily on age and overall health. When I first gained my 1/4 inch years ago, I was in my 20s but I was a smoker and not very healthy. Now that I’m in my late 30s, my health has improved dramatically and as a consequence, this has turned me into a fast gainer.

I only hope my fast gains are permanent, but you never know.

I think any gains are liable to diminish. A maintenance routine and good health should be enough to keep any gains in my opinion.

Since I read like a million posts in the last week; my general thought was that guys that PE’d for like a year to two years even after 5-8 year breaks have the length they left on. I mean since the penis is not a muscle it can’t really shrink if there are new cells that make it longer? Maybe part of it is that their ligaments weren’t stretched well enough?

Hard to say, maybe their gains were EQ related?

Starting : 7.6 BPEL, 5.5 MEG

Current: 8.1 BPEL, 5.7 MEG

Goal: To understand what makes penis to grow.

Originally Posted by AndyB123
I think any gains are liable to diminish. A maintenance routine and good health should be enough to keep any gains in my opinion.

Yeah but who wants to do PE for the rest of their life? Not me! And like I said, not everyone loses their gains.

Originally Posted by samenmoos
I mean since the penis is not a muscle it can’t really shrink if there are new cells that make it longer? Maybe part of it is that their ligaments weren’t stretched well enough?

That’s why I believe what I said about there being two roads to size increases. The penis is pliable and is made up mostly of collagen and elastin, so obviously it can be stretched and expanded to a great degree before returning to normal size. That’s why after a PE session, a penis can be much larger than its default state.

So why do some guys keep most or all of their gains while others lose most of it? I think it’s related to a man’s personal ability to create new tissue. Not everyone has high cellular turnover. Some people recover from injuries very slowly, or not at all. I think guys with low cellular turnover are less likely to keep their gains over time.

Also if a man is always PEing and measures his penis right after he finishes his session, then his measurements will be overly flattering and not realistic. I think a lot of guys do this to make their penis look more impressive than it really is. That’s why I personally wait at least two days before I measure, so I can get a more realistic result.

Last edited by Draculas_son : 02-15-2019 at .

Originally Posted by qweqweqad1
Hard to say, maybe their gains were EQ related?

When you lose over an inch in length and girth, that’s definitely not EQ related. Adding an inch of length and especially girth, is like having a whole other penis pretty much, so losing it can’t be pinned down to just erection issues.

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