Hey monochrome, I start the manual girth work with the plump flaccid from the bathmate and work it up to an 80%ish erection with slow jelqs for a minute or so and then do mostly manual clamps and ulis and horsies until I lose the erection from those after a few minutes, then I’ll maybe do some o-bends and then work it back up to an erection with more slow jelqing, but the great bulk (probably 7 minutes+) of each 10 minute manual girth section is done with that 80%ish erection.
Sorry, but when you ask “how you go along thru your pumping session?” I’m not sure what your mean.
To suckerpunch, well, it’s 25 minutes in the bathmate (about at the high end of the recommended time), and 20 minutes of manual girth, which is the not that much manual work considered alone, and which as you implied might be the only source of real gains, the bathmate gains perhaps being only a temporary boost. It’s also only three times a week.