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peyronie's disease?

peyronie's disease?

Hey guys,

I have an ongoing problem with my unit and i’m really looking for some advice from people who understand the biological components involved.


Since I was perhaps 13/14 years old my unit has had a slight left and upwards curve that begins in midway up my shaft, we’re talking perhaps 15 degree angle in both directions. It’s never really caused me any problems - although I do believe it is somewhat responsible for a very mild veinous leak i’ve suffered since my early teens.

Fast forward: Whenever I have sex for prolonged periods of time I get an “ache” in the left side of my penis exactly where I can imagine there would be a build up of collagen plaque to cause my left/upwards curve. Don’t get me wrong it doesn’t hurt, it just aches; also the curvature of my penis has probably worsened only 2 degrees since I was 13 and this is including during my PE career.

Back in the old days I used to stretch manually using my hand to grip and I think as a result of poor technique I never really gained any length (or soreness). A few months ago I got a silicon sleeve and use it as a grip aid for my manual stretches (helps to keep my grip from just applying pressure through my foreskin). Since i’ve been stretching using it i’ve gained up to 0.5 inches in length (I’m not always consistent and lose cemented gains on occasions) however… 1-2 days after I stretch and regardless of sex I get the same (but slightly more intense) ache/sore feeling in the same position on my penis.

My stretching consists of IR lamp warm up for 5 minutes.

8x 15 second stretches (moderate force)

I’ve just started taking Acetyl-L Carnitine and vitamin E as they’ve both been explored as a possible treatment for peyronie’s disease, but i’ve also read that stretching/pumping are also indicated to be useful in preventing/slowing its progress.

I don’t really feel comfortable going to see my GP and I wouldn’t opt for surgical intervention. So basically… I’m just pretty damn scared at the moment that i’m going to develop peyronie’s disease in earnest and end up with a disfigured/unusable unit by the time i’m 30 (25 now)

all/any advice would be much appreciated - I feel really down about it and don’t want to end up having to quit PE because of the problem.

Cheers in advance :)

If you fear you have PD, than I guess speaking with a Doc is the best thing to calm your mind. A curve in the penis is something that many, if not most, penises have; we all have asymmetries in our body - if you look careful any part of your body, you’ll notice. PD means that you have an hard, inextensible piece of tissue in your penis; the simple fact that you gained 1/2” points to the very low odds that you have such a disease, IMO.

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