Originally Posted by SeekingPlatinum
The first extender I got said if the glans turns purple it’s not getting enough blood and to cease stretching until blood flow is returned, so that’s my basis. I don’t know, but my glans is almost too big for the large bell and that probably doesn’t help the issue, so maybe the XL bell on the website is worth a look. I use the medium sleeves because the large always gets an air bubble, which always pops the vacuum seal.
Ah, I see. Thanks for sharing this information. I thought it turned purple in this instance due to being partially expanded by the vacuum pressure and the blood inside going slightly O2 deprived. Perhaps this is not the case then, i dindt really take a closer look before you mentioned it.
Damn, too big for the large bell and here I am comfy in the medium one… *sigh*. Medium sleeve is the better one though, large for me creates almost no seal and a fair deal of pinching!
LightningZee; following Thunder's religiously for the next year!