Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Please help me.I am on the short side

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how can you help me


what kind of pe should i do

Total Votes: 17. You may not vote on this poll

Zachy123, If you are telling the true you have a 3.5 x 6 penis then will mainly want to stick to lots of stretching excersizes for length. It seems you have really tight/strong/short suspensory ligaments around the base of your penis. This is a good thing I believe according to BiB’s LOT theory when it relates to PE. So read up a lot here on Thunder’s about other people’s expierences, stretching excersizes, etc and get to work. :)

OT: Thanks for this post, it’s just made me laugh out loud (about the mis-use of the poll option) for the first time in a while!

Good luck with PE.


Ones you get an Idea of the LOT theory Check out MosetoMan s post on how the LOT theory is BS, but dont think you cant gain any. that what I though becaus the LOT theory pegged me as a hard gainer and I have gained alot in one month.

6-25-05 6 1/4 bpel, 5 eg Goal 8.5x6.5 Bald, Bearded, Pierced, Tattooed, Beast of a GERMAN! An Active in BRONTOPHILIA "An Attraction to Thunderstorms; Sexual Arousal from the Sound of Thunder."

That poll is funny as hell!

I couldn’t even pay attention to anything else after reading that poll.

how can you help me - the current leader over what kind of pe should i do by the slimmest of margins. This shall be one to watch.

Singapore is the weirdest place I’ve ever been. Actually, I was just in the airport, but it was plenty weird. They have this sunflower garden outside - it doubles as a smoking section but you have to stay within the painted lines and there are cameras to make sure that you do. Every so often, they dig up the sunflowers and replace them with new ones. The sunflowers look like they’re growing there, but they’re not; they’re just dying. English is the prestige language, so we westerners think we understand what’s going on, but we don’t. The point of all this is that if somebody had asked me to guess what country Zachy came from based on the poll, I would have guessed Singapore immediately.

Zachy - since you’re circumsized, are you ethnic Malay?

Originally Posted by cold_blooded
Singapore is the weirdest place I’ve ever been. Actually, I was just in the airport, but it was plenty weird. They have this sunflower garden outside - it doubles as a smoking section but you have to stay within the painted lines and there are cameras to make sure that you do. Every so often, they dig up the sunflowers and replace them with new ones. The sunflowers look like they’re growing there, but they’re not; they’re just dying. English is the prestige language, so we westerners think we understand what’s going on, but we don’t. The point of all this is that if somebody had asked me to guess what country Zachy came from based on the poll, I would have guessed Singapore immediately.

Zachy - since you’re circumsized, are you ethnic Malay?

Should I take that as a compliment or sarcastic remarks?

That unit would be very hard to stretch, I guess..

& especially because “PE” requires at least a bit of “intelligence “………

Current: 8+ x 5.5

soon to be nine.

Last edited by NineInchNails : 06-03-2005 at .

Stay away from clamps

2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes


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