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Please help! stretch technique question


Please help! stretch technique question

i am confused about the stretch technique (length xtender as its called)

the exercise where you stretch the penis behind the head (glans) and hold for 10-30 second than do it from left/right (you know which one)

i have read they all say that you are supposed to grab the penis with the ok sign BEHIND THE HEAD, so behind the head would be right behind the dorsal nerve, which is that thin nerve that runs along the top of the penis.

the thing im afraid about is that in one of the free sites i got the technique it says “The best way to use your hand is by applying most of the pressure anywhere else except on the dorsal nerve, “

so if im not supposed to apply pressure on the dorsal nerve which is behind the head, WHERE DO I DO IT?

maybe im not supposed to do it from behind the dorsal never i dont know, so if anyone that does the lenght xtender technique and it has worked for you please help! thanks :)


What I did was to make an upside down U shape with your thumb and forefinger. Then I would jelq or squeeze enough blood forward and placed the upside down U about 1” behind the gland. Then I would apply pressure with my thumb and forefinger to the sides of the penis and trap just enough blood in front of the grip to have some mass for the strech. The soft tissue at the U made with your thumb and forefinger will be on the dorsal area. This will give your dorsal area some cushion.


Welcome aboard!!!

Hey eid,
Welcome!!! A free site that had a dorsal nerve warning, interesting. Which free site is this? I would like to check it out.

I “borrowed” one of Tom Hubbard’s photos to help you get the right idea about the grip.

Blue areas on the sides of your penis, yellow area on the top where the dorsal nerve bundle is.

(9.6 KB, 162 views)

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

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Thunder here it is, its in technique one

other questions (thanks for the help, im really dumb at this)

1. is the penis supposed to be in flaccid or semi erect state (some sites say flaccid, some say semi erect)
2. for how many seconds am i supposed to hold it (some sites say 10, some say 15 or even 30) what has worked for you guys?
3. how many repetitions of holding for xx amount of seconds? (some sites say 3, some say more)
4. after im done stretching lets say forward and i have to rest before doing left stretch, what procedure should i use and for how long? (slapping the penis around some sites say)

i learned about pe about 2 weeks ago, i found many free guides but i have been afraid of doing the exercises because the guides say different things so i dont know what is the real procedures. Then i started asking questions at another forum to get answers but i spent about a week there asking questions without getting good help and i almost thought about quitting because nobody would help me with my dumb questions (people expect you to know everything just from reading something, im one of those that needs to see instructions)

Last edited by ThunderSS : 06-22-2002 at .

Hey eid,

Thanks for the link. You know that the linked site is there to push Maximus don’t you? They give you some free pe exercises and then want 119.00 of your hard earned cash for, maybe, ten dollars worth of supplements.

I know you have been told this before, but there is no other way except to read. If you read the information that is here, you will get the answers to all your questions. Better than that though, you will develop an understanding of your penins and why/how the exercises work. Just telling you what to do or what worked for someone else, is really short changing you.

Start with the newbie forum here, all of your questions have been answered here before, then check out the FAQ, then come back with questions about what you still don’t understand.

Penis Enlargement Forum -- How To Jelq -- Free Penis Enlargement Videos

Make a Donation This place runs on donations, help out if you can. Thanks.

great thanks.

my only question remaining is how do i know i am doing the stretch right?

modemmer said to use the upside u grip and apply pressure to the side of the penis with my thumb and forefinger.

how hard to i have to squeeze? am i supposed to see something when this is done right (blood supposed to go up?) so basically my question is how do i know i am doing the stretch right

i once did the stretch technique but i was afraid of gripping the penis too hard and all i did was stretch the skin, but the whole point is to grip it hard so blood goes up right?

i read the quickstart guide, but the glossary doesnt work for me (links dont open) :(

great, thanks!

i just read the new faq, and when it talks about the manual stretch (what i want to do) it doesnt say what kind of grip i have to do (no ok sign etc) so i just have to grab the penis the way it is best for me?

after it talks how to do the pull it says “While pulling the penis out you should perform a ‘kegel’, especially if pulling upwards. You will actually feel a more intense stretch if you do this. ”

but before it says this it says to pull WITH THE 2 HANDS, so which one is it? do i pull with the 2 hands or pull with 1 and with the other a kegel?

MY LAST QUESTION! (sorry to bother you with somany dumb questions, they sound dumb to you but im no good at this)

when you are pulling the penis for the manual stretch do you squeeze just like if you were doing a kegel?

in other words i squeeze with my grip AND PULL? (yes or no?) or do i just stretch the skin? without squeezing?

Ummm, eid…….. you just blew it! You haven’t read the Glossary and FAQs, have you! Because if you really had read them, you’d know exactly what a Kegel is! Now get to it and find out - it’s a very important exercise but can’t do it with your hands! When you’ve read the entire FAQs and Glossary, then start on the Newbie’s forum and read all that too! Until you’ve read all that, you will not be ready to start your exercises.

There’s also a search button on the top right of the screen - type in “stretch” and you’ll find a wealth of information about that subject. It’s all here if you look and it’s free.

Now get reading!

lil1 :lep:

BPEL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | *20cm* (8")

MTSL (5") | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | *25cm* (10") MTSL = Maximum Traction Stretched Length

"Pertinaciously pursuing a penis of preposterously prodigious proportions." What a mouthful!


I know you’ve read some of that FAQ, but my fear is that you’ve only read one or two areas.

Just for the record, there is no real ‘squeezing’ in stretching, other than the pressure you have to have to hold your penis in a stretched position. I will admit the definition of how to do manual stretching should be revised where they mention reinforcing your grip with your second hand. I instinctively understood this as using your second hand to grab and support the wrist of your ‘pulling’ hand to reinforce the outward pulling pressure. I’ll see what I can do about getting that changed.

The Kegel is a squeeze of your PC muscle. And this is where I don’t know if you’ve read or just read very lightly. I also am sensing a bit of a problem in visualization on your part. That may or may not be true, but I am just wondering.

Take these words to heart:

Stretching improperly is one of the *prime* ways to injure yourself. If you don’t read sufficiently and reread, you might as well start looking through the phonebook for a urologist now.

I know you are excited, I know you are concerned. Take your time and do some more research. Then questions are OK. None of us wants to see a newbie injured, but none of us enjoy these early phase questions either.


We all want to jump into this and get it going fast, but in truth, there’s an almost formidable amount of reading to be done, and the searching gets tedious, but the bottom line, for most of us, is: those who make the best gains are those who are the most knowledgeable, i.e. have read the most. So the measure of how much you really want a bigger penis is how much you’re willing to read and research and use your mind.

You’re going to find a lot of variation on any one technique, and that’s because we are all so different. That’s why the art and science of PE can’t be condensed into a simple do-it-by-the-numbers procedure.

You know you want it, so go for it!



"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

lexx's suggestion

hi, all you have to do is grab the sucker and stretch it out untill it feels tight (not too tight) Don’t worry to much about the rest. just make sure to stop if you feel any pain

I am building a weapon of ass destruction!

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