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Quick JAI Stretch Question

Quick JAI Stretch Question

Hi Folks,

This may (well, it will no doubt) sound like a stupid question. When performing the JAI stretch, can someone tell me whether you are meant to flex your PC muscle a la the Kegals on the 2 second stretch? (Would there be any benefit in doing this?) When you flex the PC muscle there is a slight retraction so I was wondering whether flexing the PC muscle on a stretch would provide benefit.

Thanks for any info.


Personally, I don’t see any reasons why you should do such a thing. What you do want to accomplish? Strain your PC muscle?

I seen a video once on.. Metacafe or some general video site. The guy was recommending a general stretch for 60 seconds, 10 times. He said that on the stretch to ‘clench’ the ‘pee muscle’ haha, which I’m interpreting as the PC muscle. He didn’t explain the logic, so thought I’d seek some more experienced/expert advise on that here, specifically in this case relating to the JAI.

I imagine the logic was that like stretching a hamstring, stretching the PC muscle would lead to less retraction once flexed or something to that effect, but I don’t really know.

Sorry, also, the JAI tutorial also mentions ‘kick-back’ of the muscle, but as neither the penis or ligaments are muscles, I’m not sure what exactly it’s referring to. Can anyone explain?

I think the author supposes that connective tissue (tunica albuginea) and/or smooth muscles of the penis share the kick-back reflex with striatus muscles. Don’t know if this is true, though.

The so-called “Power Stretch” (from “penishealth” I think) does exactly that and I have had good progress with it. The stretch comprises straight out, right, left, down and up, each with a stretch and hold followed by five kegels in sets of three. Leaves you kind of wrung out. The moderater exclaims that it is probably better to forget sex with your wife that night. The kegel does have a strong pull back and you are fighting with the BC for a yield.


Thanks for the info guys.

Howardson, how long do you hold for? Do you do the five kegals at the end of the hold or regular intervals through the hold?

So are we saying.
- Stretch
- Hold the stretch (10-15 seconds maybe), do 5 kegals while holding, from the start of the hold.
- Relax
- Repeat 3 more times.

I get a lot of kickback from tensing the BC mid-hold, giving grip problems.

Thanks mate.

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