Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Porno Poison

Porno Poison

I’m well into my PE routine now and already feel better in myself, which brings me to my point.

The only reason I am now a member of this great site is because in a way I’m sick and I have finally
Come to realise that fact. I have never had a sexual partner and nobody has seen my penis since I
Was a child because I was always so ashamed of the size. ( I mentioned in a previous post that I was
Overweight and measured at 5” erect, I have lost weight and now it’s about 6.3”).

The reason for this “sickness” or “shyness” is because I found a porno tape in my house when I was
About 14 and compared myself to the guys on it (they must have had 8-10”) and have done ever since.
I cannot even be satisfied with being average now.

I wonder if I had not found that tape my sexual outlook and confidence would be intact?


P.s. A funny thing I read is that women are terrible at judging sizes of things and if you told her it
Was and 8 incher she might well believe it! (Hide the rulers fellas!).

Good PEing

Yeah porns did the same to me. I just can’t understand how the average is 5” when everywhere you look everyone has these huge cocks. But I guess you can compare it to all the skinny/sexy women you see and in real life there are not head turners everywhere you look.

Same here.

I got so surprised when i found that the average length really IS around 6”. I thought that i was below average. I’ve never been so happy.

Starting at: ELBP 7.2" / EFL 5" / EG 5.5" ----------------------------------------- 5 months: ELBP 7.8" / EFL 5.5 / EG 5.5" (Cemented now!!!) My next goal is ELBP 8.2" / EFL 6" / EG 5.8", and to straighten my curve out a bit

Regarding this as a “sickness”. It’s my belief that if it wasn’t one thing, it’d be another. Maybe it wouldn’t have been penis size if you didn’t see that Porno, but eventually something would’ve screwed you up.

Or maybe you’re right, let’s invent a time-machine and go find out.

(final possibility: I’m far more screwed up than I care to admit)

Measurements as of June 29, 2005 eg: 6 inch bpel: 7.2 inch nbpel: 6.3 inch My Goal eg: 7 inch bpel: 8.9 inch nbpel: 8 inch Have A Nice Day! :)

Yah I know what you mean about comparing to pornos.. I used to when I was younger and of course I was.. Why can’t I be like that?? But after getting with some chicks (I know it sounds horrible :P but seriously) I realized that 5 is truly the average. I mean a lot of the girls thought I was “really big” compared to the other guys they had been with. So really don’t worry about what you see in porn cause that is definitely not average.

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

Hey Mistakenid,

There is a bright side to this story. Since you now know what screwed you up it is possible to correct the problem. You can re-program your brain to think of your size as more normal. This can be done by such a simple thing as looking at normal sized penises. Maybe look at more ameteur porn where the guys don’t have 8-10 inch dicks.

The porn industry really messed up the minds of a lot of young people, I am just wondering when it will be that us guys get together and join a class action against them for screwing us up.


IW8 4/2003 5.5 BPEL 4.5 EG 218 lbs 4/2004 6.875 BPEL 5.0 EG 198 lbs

Next stop 7.0 BPEL !


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