Porno Poison
I’m well into my PE routine now and already feel better in myself, which brings me to my point.
The only reason I am now a member of this great site is because in a way I’m sick and I have finally
Come to realise that fact. I have never had a sexual partner and nobody has seen my penis since I
Was a child because I was always so ashamed of the size. ( I mentioned in a previous post that I was
Overweight and measured at 5” erect, I have lost weight and now it’s about 6.3”).
The reason for this “sickness” or “shyness” is because I found a porno tape in my house when I was
About 14 and compared myself to the guys on it (they must have had 8-10”) and have done ever since.
I cannot even be satisfied with being average now.
I wonder if I had not found that tape my sexual outlook and confidence would be intact?
P.s. A funny thing I read is that women are terrible at judging sizes of things and if you told her it
Was and 8 incher she might well believe it! (Hide the rulers fellas!).
Good PEing