Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Possible NOT to grow


I have been doing PE for about 2.75 weeks and I started off Jelqing for about 4 days until I built a weighted stretching device. After I made the device I have not jelqed once, and I don’t want to. I read that girth comes easier and if you work girth first then you might not be able to gain length. So at this point I am only stretching and it has been working well. My pecker hangs with authority now. I only use a vac to check length gains.

I like the theory about engorging the damaged tissue with blood but I will wait until I am out of length gains to start that.
My wife already notices the extra length and it really turns her on when I walk around flaccid. I wish like hell I could start girth exercises but I have to be strong.
I don’t warm up either. I know it would be best but I am just extra careful, since I don’t have time to spend warming.

Retainer- You asked how to stay stretched once your done hanging. I have read many ways to accomplish this during the day (all seem difficult) so I figured out a way on my own during the night, and it has worked well for me.

1. I hang at night when I am on the PC (right before bed).
2. I go to bed right after hanging and I lay down on my side (your SOL if you can’t sleep on your side).
3. While on my side I pull my knees up to form two 90º angles. Like if you were sitting on a chair.
4. I raise the legs that is on top.
5. I reach around my leg between crotch and grab my pecker.
6. I pull my pecker as far as I can and then close my legs on it.
7. Then I slowly extend both legs into a straight position until I feel a good stretch.
8. Go to sleep.

I have done this enough that I can sleep most of the night like this. Your inner thigh gets warm and sort of sticky and that helps hold it in place. Another trick if you turn alot is to take a belt and put it around both legs about where you glans is positioned. This will keep your thighs locked together all night, and even if you turn on your back it will stay in place.

You get a good stretch doing this and I think that the heat really works on your ligs all night.

P.S. Your not clamping enough to cut off circulation, so don’t worry about that. It is the stickiness that helps hold it in place.

Nice idea I think. But my flaccid is not long enough to strect between my legs I thinks ahahahahaha

Nomadic_bone- That seems odd. If you are serious you need to start hanging right away. I bet your flaccid will increase very fast like mine has.


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