Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Preparation For Using An ADS


Preparation For Using An ADS

Hey all! I just started my PE journey today after a few days of research. What I mean is that I literally just started the Newbie Routine today after scouring the internet for information on PE. I naively purchased the Quick Extender Pro (Deluxe Limited Edition) last week because I didn’t care how much it cost, and I had not considered the risks. Thankfully, I found Thunder’s Place, considered the risks, took some measurements/pictures, and decided to try the Newbie Routine. Surprisingly, I measured an extra cm on my BPEL, which I heard is temporary but very cool. My Quick Extender Pro is scheduled to arrive late next week.

My questions to you all are with regards to how I should prepare for using the Quick Extender Pro. Should I rely solely on using the Newbie Routine? Are there other routines/exercises I should be utilizing alongside using an ADS? Also, I heard it would be advantageous to wear some sort of sleeve while using the Quick Extender Pro. Are there other materials I should acquire to make my life easier while using the Quick Extender Pro? Does anyone have extensive experience with using the Quick Extender Pro?

Thank you all for your understanding and willingness to hear me out. Any advice is welcome!

Isn’t this just an extender?

Yes, Don Logan, that’s correct. Given that, do you have any suggestions for someone just starting out?

The first technique you should learn is called “Head swell” it will help with comfort, prevent your glans from getting cold on long sessions, and prevent slipping when you increase the tension.

When first starting, I suggest you attach it with no tension or very light tension. I would start with whatever you are comfortable with. Work your way up to 2 hours over how long it takes you. Not a race. To set up the extender, take your BFSL and start there, or go a half inch lower than that and increase your length when you get your technique down, and find that the stretch is no longer happening.

Another thing I suggest is make a rice sock. 1 cup of dry non cooked rice and a long sock with a not. Put it in a microwave and heat up 1 min. Warm up for 10 mins. You can also apply the rice sock while you are extending, which increases pliability.

I hope these tips are helpful

I don’t suggest you do the newbie routine, and extend. I feel that if you want to extend focus on that. I am biased against the newbie routine, I have been doing this for almost ten years and I know people swear by it but I never did it and gained just fine. To each their own. But I wanted you to know my bias before you take my advice on that decision.

Also an ADS is meant for a healing state and to prevent turtling. Me personally I have had success with it after a heavy hanging session but I didn’t see any use with using an ADS after extending. Because I believe the max tension on a extender is 2-4 lbs depending on the tension springs

Last edited by MagerHang : 01-30-2021 at .

Beware the advice of anyone going against the advice of the many senior members and mods here.

Extending, pumping, hanging and clamping are advanced PE techniques, especially clamping. Some guys can start right in with extending and pumping but most cannot. One of the major benefits of the newbie routine is that it conditions your dick to get it ready to move to a more advanced technique. Ideally you will get newbie gains and improved EQ at the same time you are conditioning your dick. What is the down side, other than a little time?

Kind of like some people smoked for 40 years and had no problems. The vast majority were not able to do so.

Your dick, your decision. Make sure you know the risks. Pretty sure we only get one dick so you need to take care of it.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Thanks for your advice MagerHang, I’ll definitely take some time to consider it.

Thank you for your advice as well, 32quarters! I’m not interested in dismissing either MagerHang’s or your opinion, but is it really that risky to start using an ADS like Quick Extender Pro right away? Perhaps they really are doing their customer’s a disservice by not helping them prepare if that’s the case. That being the case, how long would you wait and stick to the Newbie Routine before using an ADS?

Newbie is great for acclimating your cock to the stresses of PE.

Get an extender and start to develop an understanding of strapping in and tensioning; find your setup.. Do some recreational 2-3 minute sets.

Now is the time to learn, acclimate and develop your approach to PE.

Once upon a time (2015): 6.40” x 4.50”

Today: 7.25” x 5.00”, Thunder Cocks Unite!

I think we can...Little Engine’s Climb

I am not discrediting any senior members or their suggestions. I am simply stating that I am biased against manual exercise. Because you can not gauge the tension.

Generally the rule that everyone says to do the newbie routine is 3-4 months, start jelqing, stretches, warmup and warm down. And over time you increase the reps and time commitment. While I agree it shows you a good way to do a routine, I don’t like it.

What the newbie routine also helps gauge is negative PI ( physical Indicators) but like I said manual is hard to gauge what part you did to hard. While with mechanical stresses you can gauge ok this pressure or stress was to much.

If you are asking me, no I don’t think going straight to the extender is going to hurt you at all. I would take it slow, learn techniques, and not rush it. Warmup is extremely important, and technique strapping in and learning to understand negative PI ( examples: no morning wood, extreme turtling, hard spots on the penis)

Resting is the only thing that will help you with those, but with the proper technique, warmup, and taking it slow you can mitigate a lot of those issues. Tenderness around the skin by the base, and your ligaments feeling sore is completely normal. If you need any more advice or questions you can msg me, directly on here.

I do want to reiterate I am not trying to discredit anyone on this site. I feel we all want the same thing, and in no way do I want to divide this community. I have gained a lot from the knowledge from Bib and from this amazing community. I wish to contribute and help other people reach their goals that are new to this. I remember being completely new myself one time

Thank you so much for your feedback, MagerHang and Little Engine!

Is it really suggested to have three to four months for using the Newbie Routine before using an ADS? An ADS that is purported to be worn right away? Could someone elaborate on this?

Also, MagerHang, in terms of warming up, what would you consider to be sufficient? Perhaps a five minute hot wrap and manual stretches? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks again for all the feedback!

I suggest a 10 min warmup. I use a rice sock, since it’s super easy and cheap. An ADS stands for ( all day stretcher) which is a light stretch to help you heal in a elongated state. No you don’t need to wait to use an ADS, however if you are expecting to gain from an ADS you won’t really. It’s a recovery tool.

However what would be effective is using the extender for a long period such as 2 hours ( not suggesting doing this right now but a goal to build up to) at a high tension, and then using like a para cord with an ankle strap ( a workout one or one you can build with the extra Velcro left over after building the wench) and building a cap’t wench and using that as an ADS when you are done extending.

All these things I suggested are inexpensive. You don’t need to spend a fortune for solid gains.

Last edited by MagerHang : 01-30-2021 at .

Originally Posted by MagerHang
If you are asking me, no I don’t think going straight to the extender is going to hurt you at all.

And yet you did it again. We are trying to educate new members, actually all members, of the risks associated with PE and how best to mitigate those risks. The huge amount of information here, including experiences from members, inform us that one needs to get their penis accustomed to exercise and manipulation before attempting more complex and risky activities. Extenders are risky. They work by strapping the penis head to a carriage and then unscrewing a threaded shaft to increase the tension. Injuries occur from lack of blood circulation to the glans and too much tension can stress nerves or even cause tissue separation. Extenders which attach to the glans with a vac cap have a whole different set of risks. There are a couple members here who have posted pics of a bloody mess from incorrect use of their vac attachments.

Just because you had success without starting the newbie program has zero bearing on whether anyone else can have success on that same path. A few guys can, most cannot.

While we do appreciate you sharing your experience and knowledge from your PE history, we do not appreciate your encouragement of others to pursue a more risky path.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Alright, then how about you tell him how he can proceed instead of attacking me, because all I am getting is criticized from you on how he should go, and all you can do is point him to another post and say do this. I am out of this post, since you are the expert of all things a man should do with his journey.

For the record the guy already bought the device and is asking for advice. Sure according to your websites I am a new member but I have been doing this for 10 years. I don’t really appreciate your condescending tone towards me. If the guy is asking for help I am going to help the guy. Maybe you should take the time and answer his questions instead of posting hey look at this post and go on your way. But you new guy you are leading this man down a dangerous path and Dick could fall off if you lead him down this path.

Last edited by MagerHang : 01-31-2021 at .


I just got the SS from MoS and I tried the extender, hanging the 3lbs it comes with and using the vacuum pump ADS. At first it wasn’t a problem but the tape they provided is the problem. I was taping my glans with 1 small piece and after using the ADS or Extender over several hours and taking off the tape.. It would like get mushy and stick to my glands like glue. Now after 2 days using it my head is sore to the touch. No blister thankfully but now I can’t wear the sleeves tonight because my head can’t take it even with the silicap. Also I those 2 days almost all my sleeves got holes or started to rip. Not very happy about that but they are sending me new ones for free.

Does anyone know what is the best way to stay extended through the night to keep your gains from stretching without your glands getting cold?

Originally Posted by Qonrad
I just got the SS from MoS and I tried the extender, hanging the 3lbs it comes with and using the vacuum pump ADS. At first it wasn’t a problem but the tape they provided is the problem. I was taping my glans with 1 small piece and after using the ADS or Extender over several hours and taking off the tape.. It would like get mushy and stick to my glands like glue. Now after 2 days using it my head is sore to the touch. No blister thankfully but now I can’t wear the sleeves tonight because my head can’t take it even with the silicap. Also I those 2 days almost all my sleeves got holes or started to rip. Not very happy about that but they are sending me new ones for free.

Does anyone know what is the best way to stay extended through the night to keep your gains from stretching without your glands getting cold?

You mention extending through the night. Do you mean while sleeping? If so we strongly discourage sleeping with any PE device as it is a huge risk to do so.

If you have been using the new extender for several hours over a couple of days and your glans is hurting, I would suggest you taking a day or two off to recover, then start back with less hours and gradually build back up your time over several days. This will help to get your glans accustomed to the vac cap. If still sore, cut your hours again.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

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