Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Presenting one month progress report.

Presenting one month progress report.

First of all, thanks mucho to all the members, new and old, and the moderators who keep this awesome website up and running. Thanks for all the help you’ve given us newbies. Awesome!! I’ve been a member for a month and have learned more than I’d ever have thought possible. My stats are:

BPEL 5.75
EG 5.25
FL 3.25
FG 4.25


BPEL 6.25
EG 5.25
FL 4.5
FG 4.25

I measured last night and even though my dick feels and looks bigger and heavier, seeing the measurement prove it was so awesome. I think I’m probably more accurate with the measurements, too. I measured about 4 times because it was so cool. One of the best things is that my flaccid length is bigger, and it’s consistently bigger. Even when it’s cold or I’ve just gotten done with the treadmill or other exercise. Always before, after my gym workout, my dick would be turtled to about 1 inch. It doesn’t seem like anyone elses cock did that. (Does anyone elses cock do that?) Everybody else hits the shower hanging long and loose. Anyway, thanks again for all the knowledge everybody shares. Happy gaining.

Congratulations on the gains, palmer!


Nice Going dude, I hope this is a sign of more great things to come for you

Nice!! Hey is it more common for newbs to see gains in length, or girth? Cause so far my gains have been more girthish it seems

I don’t know about anyone else, but since my girth is closer to where I want to be than my length, I’m pretty satisfied. (for the time being.. I’m not done)

Originally Posted by clgp7
Always before, after my gym workout, my dick would be turtled to about 1 inch. It doesn’t seem like anyone elses cock did that. (Does anyone elses cock do that?) Everybody else hits the shower hanging long and loose.

I also experience the same… my penis shrinks a lot after my gym workout, especially after a jog/run.

Last edited by clgp7 : 10-30-2011 at .

Hey clg, can you tell us your routine please?

Sure. My routine, which started out as the regular newbie routine, has kind of evolved to suit my time constraints and my personality. I kind of like to mix things up and listen to my body. Pretty much like going to the gym. You know, some days it just FEELS like you should be doing shoulders and quads. Any way I always do a 5 minute warm up, usually with a rice bag , sometimes in the shower. Then 5 to 10 minutes of stretching. 10 to 15 minutes of jelqing. Sometimes wet, sometimes dry, sometimes both. Usually more stretching then 5 minutes or so of warm down. But again, it varies from day to day, depending on what my body seems to be telling me. I usually do 2 or 3 days on and 1 off, but that varies, too. I hope this helps, but it’s not a very typical “routine”. I hope you find one that works for you. Happy gaining.

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