Finally hit 6.5 on the tape measure today for the first time in my life! I’m so excited as to what this site has done for me.
I’ve been pumping for 20-30 min once per day 2 on 1 off and wearing a cock ring for the remainder of the day. I usually take it off several times throughout the day and stimulate an erection and then put it back on.
The problem is I’ve pretty much shyed away from doing manual stretches and really never done them.. I feel like I can hit my short term goal of 7inches BPEL if I would just do them.
Can anyone help with my stretching routine?
Where you do them, which ones, and how long?
I know I should have done the newbie routine for the first three months but that got old and I wanted to dive in head first with a pump.
Thanks for any replies