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Pubic hair

Pubic hair

Shave or not?

I read that women don’t like long hair and also don’t like no hair so what to do?

My balls are hairy, I’m hairy above the penis and also.. My butt :P.

What to do?

If I should shave only some parts - how? I’ve tried once and it was hard and caused me to bleed!

If to shave the balls how? It is very difficult

Well, this is what made me trim my hair significantly. I seen a picture of a hairy womens pussy, and said I would never eat that it is too hairy. Some men will some won’t. I used this same logic with a female. If I have a massively hairy penis it might not be enjoyable for them, so trimmed it. I trimmed all the hair surrounding it, and I shaved the shaft once, but almost got some ingrown hairs, so now I either trim the shaft or pluck a couple. Some women won’t mind a very hairy dick, but I trimmed it because that way you cover all types of women.

Easiest to use a regular shaving (safety) razor, leaving the shaving cream on for a few minutes to make it easier.

I read in TIME magazine, of all places, while waiting for a haircut (ironically) that ball shaving has become very “mainstream.” Clearly, women must like it. I’ve shaved mine for years. Much more sensual a feeling, seems to me.



Well, me, I’m a pretty hairy guy, and I don’t’ mind having body hair, but I don’t’ like being a gorilla, ether, so this is what I do:

I cut my own hair, usually every two weeks. I use a 1/2 inch guide on an electric razor. Now, when I do this, I also use the 1/2 inch guide on my chest/stomach, forearms, underarms, and calves. I use the 3/4 inch on the backs of my forearms and calves, 1/4 on my thighs and pubic hair (balls too) and around my knees and elbows, and just the bare clippers on my penis shaft and to “trim things up a bit” else ware. I also have something called an Emjoi Optima epilator, which I use on my ass, and shoulders/neck/hair line (I use it on my shoulders and such this like 2-3 times a week though), it’s basically just a bunch of tweezers, mounted on six rotary disks that spin and yank the hair out.. I know it sounds painful, but I hardly notice it anymore.

It may sound like a lot, but honestly, it only takes like 15min, and it’s pretty damn easy once you get used to it. Plus, with the exception that it would be obvious that I trim my pubic hair, no one could ever guess that I do any of it. It looks very natural, like I just have naturally thin body hair.

I don’t’ look shaved or anything like that, I still look fairly “hairy”, but not in an “Austin Powers, 1970’s porn flick” kind way ;)

I trim mine it’s more comfortable and makes your penis look bigger

If you keep the hair trimmed I think it keeps irritation down especially while dry jelqing. I just plucked all the hair on my shaft with tweezers. I also shave my balls. I agree with avocet. It feels good and looks good too.

I’m hairy, but I trim my pubic hair, partly for my PE and also convenient for my partner to perform oral sex on me…

I don’t want her to feel like flossing her teeth when oral me… ha ha ha

I’m glad to see this thread — it’s something I’ve wondered about.

I trimmed my pubic hair once and it seemed to make the area itchy. Was that just because I was focusing on the area too much afterwards?

I’ve thought about trying out shaving my balls, but was worried about irritation or itching. Any advice?


I was wondering should a little bit of hair go up the shaft? From the bottom or the top? It doesn’t seem natural for that to happen.

Originally Posted by bossman
I was wondering should a little bit of hair go up the shaft? From the bottom or the top? It doesn’t seem natural for that to happen.

I have it 2\3 up the shaft flaccid so a little bit ain’t nothing to really worry about.

Yo bossman, if you need help getting rid of it try looking at this post:

Hairy penis

I shave my balls and triangular area around the penis routinely. I follow a three part routine, following the first one or two steps only when I haven’t shaved for a while.

1) Use a beard trimmer with a guard set to one of it’s lowest settings to trim hair down to a quarter-inch or less.
2) Use one of those hair trimmers like Finishing Touch to reduce hair down to stubble. This can be used also to sculpt out an area, if desired.
3) Use a 2 or 3 bladed razor, protected by cross wires, to shave the remaining stubble. This area is obviously very sensitive and not very smooth, so the protected razor is critical to avoid nicks an cuts. Also, it is extremely helpful to make sure your balls are drawn up tight before shaving. I use cold water to achieve this before applying shaving cream. It also helps to be erect.

Hope this helps.

Trim with scissors.


I have shaved now for a few years.

I use the same razor on my scrotum and shaft as I do on my face. It is a 3 razor with lube strip head. Schick I believe. I often do not use shaving cream but instead just use a good soft soap for lather. I shave in the shower. I do not get an erection to shave as I find for me that makes it harder to do. For me the scrotum is very easy to shave. The only trick I find to shaving the scrotum is just moving the balls around to get them out of my way as I stretch the skin out a bit. I use the razor to shave all the way back to and around my sphincter. The only area I have problems with itching or ingrown hairs is if I shave up to high in the bush area. The worse area for ingrown hairs being near the crease near my leg the farther away from my shaft that I go. I typically will apply a little cocoa butter to the whole area after getting out of the shower and toweling off.

I also like tweezing the shaft and right at the bottom of the shaft, but this takes so long that I will most often just shave. I shave every 2 to 3 days on average. Very quick and easy.

Hey angelus_cretus,

You say you have an epilator. Have you tried using it on your pubic region and does it work for you down there?


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