This is for all you other newbies out there:
THIS STUFF WORKS!! I’ve been PE’ing now for about 3 weeks and I am already noticing a difference. My erections are much fuller and stronger than ever, and whenever I go take a piss it seems like my flaccid penis is getting bigger and bigger.
I can’t wait to take my 3 month measurement. I started off by doing the newbie routine for the first week and a half or so (2 on 1 off) but then changed my routine as follows:
1-Hot wrap/5-10 min
2-Manual Stretches/10-15 min(straight out and lower angles only)
3-Wet Jelq/100-200 reps(3 sec. Each)
4-Hot wrap/5-10 min
Thinking of upping the number of jelqs per session in the next week or so. I know this is alot like the newbie routine, but instead of taking any days off I do this everyday, 7 days a week. Sometimes I stretch twice a day, just to keep the ligs pliable, and get a good stretch.
The reason why I switched to this routine is because I read somewhere on here about this “big gainer” and his routine was alot like what I’m doing now. So, I guess this is a little experiment, I’ll report back when I make my 3 month measurement and fill you all in on what gains I have received, if any. :)
Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"
Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"
Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"