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Pumping with ED

Pumping with ED

I have ED which makes jelqing hard to do. Would there be any harm in doing low pressure pumping instead or will this limit future gains?

I don’t think it will limit any future gains, jelqing is probably more traumatic than pumping. You can do some jelqs in the post pumped state. What’s the nature of your ED?

Not health related. More to do with performance anxiety, stress and years of porn.

Well, my very personal opinion is that you should strive to perform jeqls instead. You’ll learn again to stay erect, so to speak.

Originally Posted by xyz123
I have ED which makes jelqing hard to do. Would there be any harm in doing low pressure pumping instead or will this limit future gains?

To some extent I suffer from ED. My view is that jelqing AND pumping have both helped me to get better EQ. I initially took up pumping after reading Avocet8’s excellent post and moved onto dynamic pumping using a Mr Fantastic water pump which made things even better. I have also found jelqing improves EQ. The confusing thing I found is that immediately after pumping OR jelqing EQ gets temporarily worse but soon gets back to normal. Doing either or both, at least in my case, regularly has made my EQ noticeably better.

I now also regularly (days at a time) wear a metal cock ring (dick only) which only constricts when I get excited but allows a return to flaccid normally. As I am slightly tapered at the base simply pushing it back gives that temporary extra constriction necessary for a full hardon. I find it helps while jelqing but do not use it while pumping. In the flaccid state it makes my unit just that bit more chubby. I have tried cock and ball cock rings but they are harder to remove, and can irritate the skin with long term wear from rubbing and seem to constrict more which I suspect may be unhealthy except for short term wear (eg no more than 30 mins).

I also believe both will give rather than restrict gains especially where girth is concerned.


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