Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question about loss of sensitivity?

Question about loss of sensitivity?

Hi there, I am having been doing pe for about 3 weeks now and I love it. You guy’s sure made an awesome and very imformative site. Anyways, I was wondering if any of you who have been pe’ing for a long period of time have lossed any sensitivity to the glands or have lossed some pleasure during orgasm? Another question I have is regarding the dreaded fat pad. Being slightly overweight (but losing) I wanted to know if the fat pad will decrease with exercise or is it one of those area’s where the fats there for good, regardless of your weight situation?
I also heard of a surgery where they can remove the fat pad. I guess it would just be liposuction.

Thanx again and keep of the great work!

Ps. I think I am on the brinx of a new stretching exercise. I will post it once I can verify the validity and reliabilty of it!



>Anyways, I was wondering if any of you who have been pe’ing for a long period of time have lossed any sensitivity to the glands or have lossed some pleasure during orgasm? <

I’ve been at this over 4 years and not had any loss of sensitivity, as have many others. As long as you are careful and leave the advanced moves for later, you will be fine.

>Another question I have is regarding the dreaded fat pad. Being slightly overweight (but losing) I wanted to know if the fat pad will decrease with exercise or is it one of those area’s where the fats there for good, regardless of your weight situation? <

It will decrease with exercise, and will definitely give you more non-bone pressed length if you have a significant amount to lose.

>I also heard of a surgery where they can remove the fat pad. I guess it would just be liposuction. <

Yes, but running and dieting is free. :)

Good Luck

Thanx man, it’s great to hear that if pe’ing is done right there is no major bad side effects?

I lost sensitivity (as others have) from overdoing it. It will freak you out, but with a good break the feeling returns (though sometimes slowly). I make sure now that I take some days off now. My penis is bigger and stronger and I have all of the feeling back.

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