Originally Posted by anna nimity
Oh, see. I am thinking about how it looks visually. I do get pretty limited when it comes to thinking beyond certain points. I guess I should get beyond that and think about how it functions. Thanks. I’ll really have to learn to take more things into consideration. How does one correct that?
Well, you can correct your thinking by…you know, thinking with your dick. Like a guy. :D
As to how to correct it via PE, I don’t know. My guess is that some of the vets may have an idea as to whether LOT and stretching angles will “fix” things over time. I’m hopeful they do, and I’ve attacked it as such, but I’m far too much of a noob to have any real evidence yet.
Nice you know that you appreciate the visual qualities of such an erection, however. :D I think that to most others, it gives the appearance of larger size. Funny, because that angle definitely makes it measure smaller than it would with a regular horizontal erection. Coupled with a nice upward curve, I’m missing a good inch in measurement. Or at least that’s what I tell myself.