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Question about LOT, confused again.

Question about LOT, confused again.

I have done some more reading on LOT, just when I thought I understood it, BOOM, confused again. Here is what happened. My LOT is about 7.

Before, I thought lower LOT meant that you usually won’t can too much from stretching the ligs as a person with a higher LOT would. So for a lower LOT person, more tunica stretching should be done. It will take longer for a person with a LOT of 6 to see gains from lig stretching then it will for a person with a LOT of 10.

Now, I read a bunch of things and now I am confused. What is the exit point and how does it effect LOT? How can you change your LOT? I have also thought that for a lower LOT it is better to do lower stretches(straight down, squat, btc) is that true?


<It will take longer for a person with a LOT of 6 to see gains from lig stretching then it will for a person with a LOT of 10.<

With a LOT of 6 it’s highly unlikely you will see any gains from lig stretching. at 10 you have a good opportunity for good gains from lig stretching.

>What is the exit point and how does it effect LOT?<

The exit point is the point where your penis protrudes from your pelvis. The exit point doesn’t affect LOT; LOT affects the exit point.

>How can you change your LOT?<

By stretching your ligs you will lower you LOT. Down to a LOT of around 7:30, you can expect EL gains from lig stretching.

>I have also thought that for a lower LOT it is better to do lower stretches(straight down, squat, btc) is that true?<

To get a lower LOT, yes; not when your LOT already is low (below, say app. 7:30). When your LOT is low, Stretch upwards; i.e. if you’re hanging, concentrate on OTS and possibly SO.

So, I should be doing up stretches instead of down more with my LOT?

“With a LOT of 6 it’s highly unlikely you will see any gains from lig stretching. At 10 you have a good opportunity for good gains from lig stretching.”

Then what should I do to see length gains?

>So, I should be doing up stretches instead of down more with my LOT?<

Yes, with a 6-7 LOT, concentrate on upwards and/or straight out stretching.

>Then what should I do to see length gains?<

If you find that after months of manual stretching at high angles, it doesn’t earn you any length gains, then hanging at those angles may be your ticket.
For safety as well as efficiency, read up well on the subject before proceeding with hanging, cautiously and successfully. In particular, read Bib’s posts in the hanging forum.

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