Question About Overcoming Peyronies
I am concerned with some trauma to my penis that resulted in classic Peyronie’s symptoms - in my case, noticeable constriction at the trauma site. No significant bending has yet occurred, though I am concerned about the long-term effects. The injury occurred approximately 6 months ago.
Overall size is not the issue for me (or my wife), though it certainly might be a good consequence of any program such as this. But I’m not at all sure that Jelquing is the best thing for a penis that is still trying to recover (if it’s not already as recovered as it will be) from a “break”.
Here’s more on the injury itself. When it occurred, there was a noticeable cracking sound (similar to one “cracking” their knuckles), some pain (felt like some stinging), but no visible damage at the time (bleeding, swelling, etc.). Erections and intercourse for several months afterwards caused an aching sensation when any significant pressure was applied off-axis to the penis. Most, if not all, of this has now subsided. But I am now left with a narrower constriction at the site of the injury (which, by the way, was difficult to locate specifically until this manifestation) and I am concerned (OK, downright worried) about the long-term effects. And my penis is more prone to bending at this site, even with a full erection.
What are some exercises, or other programs, you might recommend for someone in my situation?