Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question about PE


It is possible to enlarge the penis, and welcome to thunders.

A great place to start is the guide to manual exercises, I believe it is in the newbie forum important threads thread.

Start easy, and build your way up. IT takes some time to get used to it, your hands, what you can tolerate, etc.

I would recommend manual stretching combined with jelqs for the first few months and do it maybe every other day or 2 on and one off. You should make more progress. By that time, you should have both gained and read more around here and you can seek more advanced exercises or simply extended your current ones.

You have to admit Thunder, that that newbie question is asking to be slammed. I mean you are only going to beleive what you want to beleive. And if you can’t read around on the forum for five minutes and see for yourself that this stuff works, or take a second and realize the fact that there are thousands of members (hundreds of which post regularly) then understand that they woulgn’t do so if it didn't work, then you are asking to be messed with a bit. I understand that we need to be understanding and welcoming, and for the most part everyone hear is. But when the “Does this stuff really work?” question is thrown out, I think so are the newbie ediquette rules. Yes, I was, and in many ways still am, a newbie, but I never EVER asked that question.

That being said, morenmore, sorry for the sarcasm. The last thing I (or anyone else here) want to do is drive someone away from PE. Please accept my apology and if you ever have questions (after researching a bit on your own) feel free to ask. I promise I will be more open and understandiong.

Better T?



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