Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Question about PE


Question about PE

I know that this is a dumb question. It probably has been asked numerous times. However, I have to ask again. I just need validation. Is it possible to get a larger penis? How would you advise me on this issue?

Thanks, I am sorry for bringing up another question on the subject. But there is so much information floating around everywhere that I get confused at times.



Do not stress about anything, just "Live Well"

No, there is no possible way to ever get a larger penis. All of us guys just sit and pray in a temple for our penes to grow..

Okay, I was kidding.

You can enlarge it by surgical and non surgical techniques. Have fun.


Do not stress about anything, just "Live Well"


fuck does any newwbie ever take the time to read the threads before they troll?

Easy there Tork. I don’t think he was trolling. Some newbies need to be hit over the head with a larger hammer than others. For me it took about a 5 lb sledge.

Morenmore, Welcome to Thunder’s. Take just a second and think about it. Do you seriously think thousands of guys, who aren’t selling anything, would take the time to post and reply on this site if it DIDN\’T work? Nuff said.

Take time to read around a bit, no, A LOT! Knowledge is power. Start with the Newbie Thread (referenced in my signature for convenience) and read as much as humanly possible without exploding, then read more. Take it slow. The slogan Less is More will become second nature. Gains will come but not overnight. Hell, sometimes not in the first month.

Oh, and if you were trolling I have friends who have a pair of shoes just your size.


Same goes for you Jo-nathan. And welcome. Good to have you. Stick around for a while, just so long as you behave. I don’t think a street address is necessary though. A general region would suffice.


News ideas meet the talking monkey brain in three distinct stages. First is ridicule, especially after landing on a site like this. Second, is a refuting salvo of logic that it isn’t even possible. Finally, there is a stage of acceptance. It looks like our friend who posted was in stage 2.85. So we all had questions when we first landed here. So do your best to try and show some mercy. We were all weird and green when we first started.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

I wasn’t paying attention to my PE routine. Then one day I decided to measure and ooops. It was 12” long 6” round. I over shoot my goal by 2”.

Is it possible to get a smaller penis? :D

"Drunk chics dig me."

PE does NOT work! We all have shrinking rulers.

Run and don’t look back or you’ll be addicted to pulling on your member for ever.

You guys are tough. It does work morenmore, but you do go sterile, start growing breasts, and every once in a while it turns green. Just minor side effects though.


Originally Posted by Tork

fuck does any newwbie ever take the time to read the threads before they troll?

God damn, does any newbie ever read the forum guidelines before they post? :)

Forum Guidelines

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Damn, next time I will keep me mouth shut. I read a lot of the threads. I just wanted a little advice. I am sorry for saying anything.

Do not stress about anything, just "Live Well"

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