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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

question about PE

question about PE

I have been PEing for about 3.5 months. The first two months I did not gain much (which I have read is typical). This last month I gained about 1/8” in girth. My main goal right now is girth. I did this by doing extremely slow and intense jelqs on a 5 on 2 off routine. I was planning on doing this 15-20 mins for one month, 20-25 the next month, and then 30-35 the third month. Then after three months see where I stand. Well after one month I measured and had 1/8” gains. Towards the end of the month I did some horse sqeezes and I am not sure what to attribute my gains to. Anyway I am trying to decide what I should continue. Does anyone have any advice. Also, I started doing the intense routine in Sept. and got some gains. This last month was the first time that I have seen the red spots show up. I have heard that this is good and I have heard that this is bad….opinions please? Last, after workouts I tend to stay large for about 20 to 30 minutes tops. Then my dick seems to shrink up like it just got its ass kicked. I have read that many of you stay large for hours. I am just wondering if I am doing it too intense or if I should be doing something else after my workouts to maintain the engorgment. Thanks in advance


Do what got you the gain, when the gains stop than try something new. I add to and change my workout all the time I also don’t have a set routine on how many of this or that I’m going to to.


Hey dirk (I am guessing it’s after dirk diggler?),

I could not figure out from your post what exactly is your routine, but Horse squeezes are pretty intense and maybe that’s the reason why your dick appears to be miserable after workout. My suggestion is to take about a week off and then start again with less pressure on the squeezes. Take it easy for a while and see how you feel, then work up slowly for more intense squeezes.
I would also jelq for a few mins with a partial erection every time before performing the squeezes, in order to ”prime” the penis for the squeezes. BTW I assume that you are doing hot wraps, right?

Keep us posted on your progress, dirk. (I like the sound of this handle!)

Hey Dino,

I put a joke for you on DW’s Forum.

ù ì å í


My routine is pretty basic. I do a hot wrap for 5-10 mins. I follow this with 15-20 mins of intense 80% erect to fully erect jelqs and some erect point sqeeqes. I have been trying to do this twice a day, but I have been pretty inconsistent. My plan is to just do jelqs and point sqeezes in the morning and then do the same in the evening followed by a few horses. I think that if I could do it twice a day for awhile I would see some really good gains. I then finish with a hot wrap for 5-10 mins. I was also wondering about supplements. I have been exercising more and I think that will help. Any advice would be great.

Oh….one more thing. If I start to gain significantly in the mid shaft and head when should I start to ADS or hang to get more base girth?

Sounds like a good routine but the shriveled nature after the workout is a result of overworking.

Can’t you do one session a day, consistently. Maybe its just the second session thats doing you in. If you don’t want length gains its seems weird to want to do another jelq session in the morning, unless you are very lucky you will get length from this.

I’m confused though, you then say you want to do ADS/hanging for base girth and this will definately give you more length. If you intend to get more length shouldn’t you worry about the length first? If you don’t then maybe you should try jelqing/squeezing the internal portion of the penis.

Am I missing something?


I was going to show the person I was talking about the message about what he could do to change or correct his technique and it seems my messages as well as the replies are gone. Not sure if it is a glitch or not, but they are not here. (Off topic, I know).

You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great.

Zig Ziglar

Hey anna,

The thread took a turn from dirk’s original question, so I split it and put all the new posts in a new thread. You can find them under “Smaller at the Base” here in the main Forum:

- Smaller at the base

I hope it’s ok with you and everybody else?

ù ì å í



Hi Dirk,

you probably don’t know me, it’s been awhile since I was on this forum but to gain girth you need to do a bit more then just the jelq technique.

Try a combo of Squeezes, Jelqs and Pumps to get the desired thickness or circumferences. You gotta understand that your body will, at some point, adapt to the same exercises, so change them around and challenge your body. Thunder knows what I’m talking about, so does Horse, Guiri, Groa, Sunny and many more here on this baord. Especially “Wantmore”…..;)

Make it huge....!

Uncut4Big / Mike

I really appreciate the replies. I have a few more questions that haven’t been addressed.

First: What about the red spots. I have read that they are OK and that they are evidence of a good workout….as long as they dont get too big? What is everyone’s opinion.

Second: How many sqeezes should I be doing? I am only doing a few right now and have been focusing mainly on jelqing.

Memento: I am currently about 6.2” in length and 4.6” in girth. I am mainly concerned with my girth. I would like to be over 5” there. I would at some point like to gain some length too. My goal is to be 7-7.25” in length and 5.25-5.5” in girth. What do you think?

Finally I want to stress that I have been TRYING to do two workouts a day. I have been typically only doing one and still get the “dick that got its ass kicked syndrome” Any pointers? Thanks in advance.

Red spots are fine, not a problem, but 3.5 months in I wasn’t getting them anymore, how the hell hard are you jelqing? If your jelqing sessions are causing pain maybe ease up a little or try 3 second strokes, this should help with the ass kicked thing.

On the squeezes: doing a few sounds fine, but you could drop them altogether, you haven’t reached your desired length so it makes sense to focus on that first. The rubber band concept states that the more girth you grow the harder length gains will be.

I think your goals are eminently achievable. I understand that you want girth but focus on the length first. Personaly I’d drop the squeezes, shorten the length of the jelq strokes and add some stretches at the beginning of your routine.

I usually jelq as hard as I can. I don’t do it so hard that I can’t stand it, but I do it hard. Sometimes it is very uncomfortable, but doesnt’ hurt too bad. However I didn’t get any real gains until I started doing it this hard. I imagine that I could do it alot easier, but I am not sure that I would get the results. Also, what do you think about the erect state of jelqing. When I first started I read that you should be 60-80% erect for girth and 90-100% erect for length. More recently I read that it is better for girth at fully erect state. So I started doing that a week ago. Before that I was getting a semi that pointed pretty much downward and then I would kegal to fill my dick and then do an intense jelq.

Anyway…sense you said I should focus on length what do you recomend (memento) and anyone else?

As I’m now hogging the replies on this thread, might as well continue.

Yeah your the wrong way rounf, more flaccid for length more erect for girth. Thats the theory, in practise I jelq at 90%+ most of the time and onyl seem to get girth gains (minimal at that) when I add squeezes.

What do I recommend? :D Well maybe

5 min hot wrap
10 min stretches (static, momentary, jai)
15 min jelq
10 min hot wrap

What I do (when I’m not taking time off) is

am (1-2 times a day)

5 min hot wrap
20 min stretches (mostly modified asana now but used to be static stretches held for 3-5 mins, regaining circulation).
5 min hot wrap

pm (1-2 times a day)
5 min hot wrap
15min jelq
10 min hot wrap

This is a length focused routine :)

Anyone else?

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