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Stealth PE lubricant question

Stealth PE lubricant question

I live in a college dorm, I do PE in the shower right now and everything is working out fine. I don’t really use a lubricant, I occasionally use some conditioner to ease the first few jelqs reducing chaffing.

My question may be dumb but I feel like I have to ask it. If I just put a condom on would that be enough to eliminate friction so I could do PE outside the shower. I can’t buy loads of Vaseline because my roommate will ask about why I need to buy so much Vaseline, same for any other lube.

I know this seems like a stupid idea, but in my life’s short journey I’ve found some of the best ideas are really really stupid. Thanks for any help!

Why don’t you try?

Dry jelqing works for me anyway.

regards, mgus

Taped onto the dashboard of a car at a junkyard, I once found the following: "Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement." The car was crashed.

Primary goal: To have an EQ above average (i.e. streetsmart, compassionate about life and happy) Secondary goal: to make an anagram of my signature denoting how I feel about my gains

How about simply buying baby oil and simply telling people that your skin needs lot’s of care?

That wouldn’t sound suspicious, would it?

I never need to buy more than 1 bottle of lubricant each time—and it’ll last for about a month. I buy one of those mini bottles of KY(clear bottle kind of) and it works great for me. It’s also small and very inconspicuous:)

Trust me, your roommate is jerking off, as are all the guys in the dorm. If you buy lube and put in you shirt drawer or something, he’ll never see it. If he did say “cuz your sister is on the rag this week.” and laugh. There are so many pictures on the internet of college dorms telling the guys not to masturbate in the shower, because it clogs the drains up. It’s hilarious to think about an RA typing that up. This was you can also avoid the 25 min. shower where everyone knows what you’re up to anyway.

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


I use olive cooking oil (100% “virgin” don’t know if it’s the right term in english) it’s a little bit messy and takes a lot of time to clean but stealthiest thing I found :)

Olive oil (“I take a tablespoon a day to lower cholesterol”)

Albolene unscented moisturizing skin cleanser (that stuff is amazing — sold at drugstores in the makeup area. perfect jelqing and masturbation. Good in bed with your girlfriend too) 5 Star Stuff ******!

baby oil(“my skin is too dry” good for the albolene too, or say it is your girlfriend’s)

Last edited by sta-kool : 04-14-2008 at .

I might give it a try some time, just I don’t know if it will work well enough.

The shower works fine, just sometimes I don’t feel like taking 45-60 minute showers that I sometimes forget to actually wash myself during. I was just wondering about the condom because early on I was getting chaffing when I didn’t use the conditioner.

Speaking for myself and my roommate (has a freak of a girlfriend), we kind of have a no masturbating policy. This does result in me bringing back girls who are not the most attractive things in the world but.. Pussy is Pussy :) !

Thanks for the advice guys

No masturbating? I’m surprised you haven’t murdered each other yet. And technically PE isn’t masturbation.

Jelq, ADS, repeat.

Final Goal: 8EL x 6.2


Originally Posted by Clemski
Speaking for myself and my roommate (has a freak of a girlfriend), we kind of have a no masturbating policy. This does result in me bringing back girls who are not the most attractive things in the world but.. Pussy is Pussy :)

Couple things just off the top of my head:

“no masturbating policy” — pardon me, that seems kinda nuts! Why would you ever agree to that?

And why would your roommate forbid you to masturbate???? What is up with that!?!?! Very strange.

Masturbating is good for you. Masturbating also helps you learn about your body’s responses so you can have more control when you have sex with a woman. see this site:

“bringing back girls who are etc. (without being selective)” — Well, watch out for STDs. And watch out for PSYCHOs — that sounds like a good way to get an obsessed stalker-type after you. Not much fun.

Last edited by sta-kool : 04-15-2008 at .

We agreed on it because we both think that we can at least get ass if we want ejaculation. But yeah, condom every time!

I’ll check out the website though, thanks.

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