New Member - Question about Cardiovascular Exercise and PE
Firstly, I am a complete newbie. I’ve been reading the forums for a few weeks now. My current erect stats (as accurately as I can currently measure) are: 7” BPEL 5.1” EG. The last time I measured was when I was 20 and I was 6.5” BPEL but perhaps it was thicker then (I am now 28). My goals are 8” BPEL, 6” EG, improved erection quality and improved sexual function. I am hoping for half of this in one year.
I used to be a long-distance runner. When I was 18-21 my erections were very frequent and very hard. I could get a full erection in a matter of seconds just by thinking about it with no visual queue. After 21, I became a weight lifter and ceased to run with much frequency. My erections are not stellar now, just alright and occasionally very full - I think below my potential.
My question is: Do you think long-distance running or other cardio-vascular exercises significantly improve erection quality and penis blood circulation, and thus facilitate PE gains? I am thinking of starting an intense long-distance running program to prime myself for the beginner PE routine.
Another thing - would it make sense to buy the Vac-Extender to hold on to my newbie gains as much as possible when they come?
Thanks Thunder’s Place I look forward to making my dick bigger!