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Question on erect length

Question on erect length

Ok. I been searching to find out the difference between nbpel and bpel.I know bpel is, if I’m not mistaken is when you pressed the ruler to your pelvic bone.But what exactly is non bone erect length?

Measuring from where the penis connects to the body, rather than pushing the ruler through the fat pad to the pelvic bone. Depending on the thickness of the fat pad this will be the difference between BPEL and NBPEL.

Yeah, it’s just what you see. The readily visible. The what you see is what you get.

BPEL gives everyone the same datum point regardless of body fat, or fat pad thickness, or your own rise and fall in body weight.

Oh ok. So basically NBPEL is just resting the ruler on the body. And BPEL would be pushing

The ruler till it hits the actual bone. Thanks for the replies.


That is when set the ruler just sets on the pubic area not pressing in to the bone.

Starting Stats 7/15/05 -- Flaccid L 3.375"x Flaccid G 2.125", BPEL 5.250" x EG 3.750"

Stats as of 11/17/07-- Flaccid L 6.000"x Flaccid G 5.6875", BPEL 8.000" x EG 6.125"

Long Term Goal: BPEL 9.000"x EG 6.500" Dusty

Remember there is some room for ‘error’ however depending upon how thick the fatpad is! Even if the ruler is pressed into the fat pad, there will still be some fat between the ruler and pubic bone, reducing the measurement…lose some weight/get lypo!

Start (22/04/2013) - 6.5" BPEL x 5" MSEG

Now (12/06/2013) - 7" BPEL x 5.25" MSEG

Current Aim - 7.25" BPEL x 5.25" MSEG

The reason I asked this question is because I’m really skinny. And people would say they had an inch added from BPEL to NBPEL. I thought I might have been measuring wrong because I never thought my dick was this big. But it’s weird it doesn’t seem like I’m really what the ruler says. But anyways thanks for the responses

BPEL is really just for fat people. The fat is hiding some of the length of their penis.

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