Thanks for the compliment Red! And it’s okay to have differences of opinion on even scientific matters. The fact that all of us are here in this forum goes to show that we don’t believe those doctors who say PE is a myth.:-)
I’m happy to hear that you know Tony Robbins is the real deal! :-)
Now, for the record, Anthony Robbins didn’t borrow NLP from Richard Bandler and the other founders of NLP. He studied directly UNDER Bandler and was his star pupil. It was the stuff he learned in NLP that allowed him to make the changes he has in his life and become who he is today. He is literally, the best student of NLP that was ever produced by Bandler and company and in some ways maybe even surpassed them. But you almost make it sound like it’s a negative thing! lol
That’s like saying that you know the guy who trained Michael Jordan and so you’re going to take Jordan’s skills with a grain of salt. Come on.. Give it up to the guy, he’s pretty amazing! ;-)
Oh and by the way, as I found out AFTER I discovered Static Contraction Training, Anthony Robbins is one of the biggest proponents and endorsers of it!
He not only preaches SCT to everyone and personally swears by it, but he even made it part of his latest program, “Get The Edge”, which comes with an instructional video on SCT video cassette where he’s being taught how to do it by Pete Sisco himself. You may have seen the infomercial for G.T.E. recently over the course of the last year or so.
So Anthony Robbins, a world renown expert on human development and personal growth, who founded a research institute strictly for the study of all processes and techniques to find the absolute most powerful, effective and briefest methods to achieve success in every area of life says that this is the best technology ever available to transform your body and backs it up by making it a core component of his self improvement programs. That’s nothing to sneeze at…
And again, the proof is in the pudding. Have you SEEN Tony Robbins lately?!! He used to be all tall and lanky in his infomercials. But take a look at him in the Shallow Hal movie. Especially when he’s standing in the elevator with Jack Black. He’s frightening!. Huge, barrel chest and broad shoulders. That’s not “muscle visualization”, micro tears or protein shakes my friend! :-D
Now, Dmitri makes my argument for me when he speaks about the rubber band effect. This is why I ask about whether or not the most effective method for elongation would be a stretching device that can be worn for long periods of time (while you sleep, etc) so as to maximize the amount of time your penis is distended, in effect - stretching your rubber band long enough for it to take the new shape.
He also seems to agree with me about micro-tears, which I feel are detrimental to both body building and PE. I think tearing apart muscle and body tissues only adds to recovery time, not growth. There’s no tearing involved with those African women with the neck bands. Only hypertrophy. And that’s we’re after here. Elongation and expansion from adaptation, not trauma.
Here’s the elephant in the room nobody is talking about - EVERYONE can’t be right. There has to be ONE true way it works.
I think that just like in bodybuilding world (where up until SCT, nobody knew the EXACT physiological process that triggered and governed muscle growth), everybody had their own workout theory, routines, regimens and voodoo body-logic they used to make progress.
Shock sets, staggered sets, “squeezing the muscle at the end of a contraction, etc. Just plain old silliness born of a lack of any real understanding of how the muscle growth process works.
In reality, all of them at one time or another managed to trigger growth (accidentally most of the time) and then occasionally, from exhaustion, frustration or just it being their “off season”, they put the weights down long enough to let their bodies heal and grow. So a lot of them experienced SOME amount of growth, but over a much longer period of time than if they had they been doing exactly ONLY what their body needed to stimulate and complete muscle growth. “3 steps forward, 2 steps back” kind of progress. The same thing is apparent as I read through the various members of this community. Not everything works for everyone. But we know that much of the body’s most important process do work basically the same for everyone. Eating, elimination, cellular growth, etc., are all basically the same for all humans. They may occur at different levels in different people, but the basic process is the same.
Clearly there has to be a specific, optimal, targeted way that the body can be induced to hypertrophy. Jelqing and manual stretching seems to me like the PE version of reps and sets. Throughout the process, you’ll ineffectively stimulate hypertrophy over time, and along the way, create tears and injuries that are counter productive.
So what is the baseline method that will produce results for everyone, even if the amount of progress is mitigated by physiology? It would seem to me that pure hypertrophy is about putting the body into a position or state that is abnormal for it and maintaining that pressure for such a long time that the body actually grows around it and adapts to it, similar to the way that ancient Africans used to make their children wears those head-elongating hats so that they would have what they considered a more pleasing (Alien Praetorian-like) head shape. Body modification.
Same thing with making the young girls wear rings around their necks so that as they grew, the body would grow a longer neck to accommodate the presence of the ring. They weren’t pulling on their necks all day long or hanging heavy weights from their heads and bending over to encourage growth! lol
They just encouraged the body to grow into the desired new shape by maintaining the “unnatural” positon for a long, long period of time. Long enough for the body to GROW to accommodate the shape. Pulling and tugging on it occasionally for a little while seems like a very ineffective method of coaxing the body into adapting to a new shape.
Especially since time is the key factor in growth. Wearing a stretching device as often as possible during the day, but especially while you sleep sounds like the best technique in my opinion as the body is forced to just deal with the fact that this is the new shape it needs to adapt to. Occasional tugs and temporary distention that the body has to endure during most stretching and jelqing sessions are neutralized by the body’s own elasticity and ability to recover.
Only excessive jelqing and stretching achieve even minor progress. The longer you do it for, the more hours a day you do it, the more progress you make.
So why not just cut out the middle man and wear a stretcher for length all throughout the day and night and a tourniquet for girth? (The girth thing requires constant re-engorgement of the penis with blood, so it will take some work.)
It seems that the Africans and Hindus that practice penis stretching via wrapping it around a stick and then twisting and pulling it or hanging weights off of it all day seem to be the ones who achieve the most length gains from their form of PE. And mind you, again in their case, its just about time spent in that unnatural state that stimulates the body to adapt to the new shape.
Again, I state my case - there has got to be an exact, basic, physiological process by which the body is induced to hypertrophy. All these techniques, methods and exercises can’t ALL be right. There can’t be that much variance in what works for one person versus what works for another when it comes to something so basic and foundational as physical hypertrophy.
There has to be one elemental process of hypertrophy that all of these bending and stretching techniques touch upon with varying degrees of effectiveness that when employed by all men will deliver the optimal conditions for hypertrophy, (mitigated of course by the individual persons unique physiology).
One universal truth that governs the hypertrophy process. Can we find the key that unlocks this secret instead of focusing on exercises we HOPE will produce results, but only work for some and not for others?
That is my challenge to the brotherhood of this forum.