Hpfsl = Bpfsl - 0.2
Okay, curiosity just beat laziness, and HPFSL has been measured - for the first time ever, I guess.
(That’s hole pressed flaccid stretched length - seems to me the fatpad difference should be analogous whether or not the dick’s hard.)
I used a pair of hedge clippers to cut a dick-width hole into the centre of an old CD. Then I measured my flaccid stretched length with a ruler whose length was perpendicular to my body and whose face was perpendicular to the floor (that is, like a domino on its edge instead of laid flat) with the ruler’s end placed: <1> directly on the skin above my shaft (standard BPFSL), <2> against the surface of the CD while it was around my dick (HPFSL), and <3> with no CD, directly touching the skin without pressing (NBPFSL - not a commonly taken measurement, and kind of meaningless for me since it seemed to stop at turkeyneck instead of normal skin surface, but the relation between it and BPFSL was similar to my NBPEL/BPEL).
Result: HPFSL is 0.2 inches less than BPFSL - at most, and that’s not counting the width of the CD - while NBPFSL is one full inch less than BPFSL.
So, assuming I had a girlfriend with a similar fatpad, it seems we’d have 0.4” less than my BPEL to work with - but nowhere near as low as my NBPEL (which is over an inch less than my BPEL).
Science just happened.