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Really red head while stretching

Really red head while stretching

Hi, when I grab right under my head and pull while stretching, alot of blood is in there and it looks like it’s going to pop? Am I doing something wrong? Thanks

My head almost turns purple and when stretched to its limit. As I do not feel any pain or notice any damages after exercise I assume this is correct.

I’ve gotten red spots due to ruptured blood vessels, but this happened on the shaft. After this I took it easy a couple of a days and the dick healed.

BPEL Starting PE Jan 2009@7.1*5.3 (18*13.5 cm)

Current: 20th March 2009: 7.4*5.6 (18.7* 14.4 cm)

Realistic goal 2010-11: 8*6 (20*15.2 cm) --- Dream goal: 8.5"*6.3" (21.5*16 cm)

If your glands are turning too red, you may have a grip issue. A couple of tricks I’ve learned:

*Make sure you’re as flaccid as possible while stretching, stretching while erect is less effective.
*Wash your hands and entire genital area with a non-moisturizing soap prior to stretching, I use Ivory soap and you’d be surprised how much it helps with the grip
*Try using a rubber glove to give a better grip.
*Try using an overhand grip (where the thumb is at the base of the glands) if you use an underhand grip, try making a half-turn in the penis so that the top of the glands are facing the floor (this gives you some ‘meat’ to get a better grip with) **making a ‘turn’ in the penis also increases the stretch so be careful!

Posting 'newbie' but 2+ year lurker and PEer.

Start: ~6" BPEL, ~5" MSEG (If I remember correctly) Now: 7.25" BPEL, 5.25" MSEG (After an 8 month break) GOAL: I'll be finished when I'm done.

*** ALWAYS mind your PI's and EQ's :) *** PE takes knowledge, time, and commitment. If you can't do that, you can't PE. ***

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