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How do you not squeeze your head when stretching

How do you not squeeze your head when stretching

Every time I manual stretch I do the basic overhand grip.underhand when I’m stretching up. But when I do it theres a lot of pressure on my head and it gets real red when I’m pulling. I feel the pressure and there is irritation when I’m done. How do you guys keep your grip, get a good stretch, and not squeeze the head? Or does this just happen to everybody?

Switch between hands. You will get used to the pain when your PEing more

I used to have the same problem. It was causing busted capillaries in the head at first. They aren’t really anything to worry about and heal in a day. It takes practice but I’ve found making sure that all available skin is pulled towards my body, grabbing higher up the shaft and maybe using a latex surgical glove helps. I sometimes also keep a light squeeze on the head itself to keep the blood pressure down in the head and more in the shaft. I’ve only done a few workouts so far but with practice you start to get a feel for it. Now I can get a grip good enough to really stretch the ligs, they’re kinda sore now. Not real pain but the kind of soreness you get from working out.

Start: 1-23-06 BPEL:6.0 EG:4.8 NBPFL:3.4 FG:3.6

ST Goal: 6.25 x 5.0

LT Goal: 7 x 5.5

Is it ok to use the head as a grip? Ie grip right behind the glans using them as like a shifter knob? ;)

Originally Posted by HWTH
Is it ok to use the head as a grip? Ie grip right behind the glans using them as like a shifter knob? ;)

Yeah, this is the way most guys stretch

I rarely manual stretch because while gripping (behind the coronal ridge) I almost always end up with a tweaked nerve (meaning over amplified and over sensitive).

So I try to use hanging, since it is also effort free. But there, if I am not extremely careful, I end up with lingering numbness (meaning muted sensation)… Ugggh!!!

I don’t know some guys hang long hours with decent amounts of weight? I jelqed last night for the first time in a while. I was planning to hang a set or two, but it got too late and I decided not to.

I am now thinking I might just go with a jelqing routine for a bit.

If I could ever avoid some type of PE related malady*, I might be able to make some type of gain…

Maybe I should just consider myself an ignorant newbie (no offense to ignorant newbies), now that I am thinking of it and ask for advice, too. So does anyone have an evaluation of what I have said, and have any insight to offer?

* Never any outright permanent injuries, like ruptured veins or the like. Just little nagging stuff like above, or slightly over doing it, then I get PE related ED.

Originally Posted by anonymous07128
I don’t know some guys hang long hours with decent amounts of weight?

Who hangs for hours? I’m no expert in this area, but shouldn’t you only be hanging between 5-20 pounds(at most) for maybe 2-3 sets of 20-30 min?

Originally Posted by anonymous07128
I jelqed last night for the first time in a while.

How long have you been PE’ing?

Originally Posted by anonymous07128
I rarely manual stretch…

So, you rarely stretch and have tried hanging…

Originally Posted by anonymous07128
If I could ever avoid some type of PE related malady*, I might be able to make some type of gain…

Well, if you would just be consistent and have a decent routine you would see gains, without the injuries. IMO, it is important to include both stretching and jelqing in a routine. Depends what you are looking for. Since you’ve tried hanging I’m going to assume you are wanting more length. Stretch, stretch, stretch. For at least 3-4 months before you start hanging. If you are having problems with your grip while stretching, this is a good read —->Jelqing & Stretching 101

It also covers the jelqing technique.

Originally Posted by anonymous07128
Maybe I should just consider myself an ignorant newbie …

What you are doing, IMO is not very healthy for your penis. You just may be an ignorant newbie.

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

Originally Posted by patientone
Who hangs for hours? I’m no expert in this area, but shouldn’t you only be hanging between 5-20 pounds(at most) for maybe 2-3 sets of 20-30 min?

Hours total, in 20 min segments - with 10min breaks, minimum, between sets.

Originally Posted by patientone
How long have you been PE’ing?

Notice my join date? Though I have not been anything like doggedly consistent for that amount of time. Not even partly consistent really. I hung and jelqed a few times from about jan ‘06 and sep ‘06, but nothing like a really consistent schedule, as I was in a relationship and my schedule really wouldn’t allow the freedom to be that consistent….

Originally Posted by patientone
So, you rarely stretch and have tried hanging…

I am not a raw rookie in the strictest view. But I decided to post what I did after reading the thread.

Just maybe my routine could use tweaking. It’s not paying off and there is a tendency toward minor issues. So just maybe it could use a re-evaluation. So, I posted the above post.

Some of it might be different physiologies, therefore maybe a slightly different approach might be necessary? So I posted to see if someone with similar circumstances has an opinion. Or if someone with something logical to add, says something that makes sense.

Originally Posted by anonymous07128
Some of it might be different physiologies, therefore maybe a slightly different approach might be necessary? So I posted to see if someone with similar circumstances has an opinion. Or if someone with something logical to add, says something that makes sense.

Try being more consistent. What does your routine look like now?

And the thread topic is about problems stretching. The effects you stated from stretching may be due to you a) pulling too hard or b) over working it.

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

Last edited by patientone : 03-28-2006 at .

Originally Posted by patientone
Try being more consistent. What does your routine look like now?

Pretty much none existent, really.

As I said, I jelqed last night for the first time in over a month (don’t have my log in front of me at the moment).

I was gonna hang 1 or 2 sets at about 3.75lbs to ease back into it. But like I said, it got late, so I just jelqed. Then I was thinking I might just do that for a bit. But maybe someone will say something that makes a light bulb go on? Hence the post.

Originally Posted by anonymous07128
Pretty much none existent, really.

As I said, I jelqed last night for the first time in over a month (don’t have my log in front of me at the moment).

I was gonna hang 1 or 2 sets at about 3.75lbs to ease back into it. But like I said, it got late, so I just jelqed. Then I was thinking I might just do that for a bit. But maybe someone will say something that makes a light bulb go on? Hence the post.

I have a feeling it burnt out a long time ago.

Start: 7.2" BPEL, EG = 5"

Current: 7 7/8" BPEL, 7" NBPEL, 8" BPFSL, EG(midshaft) = 5 5/8"

Goal: 8" NBPEL, EG = 6.5"

Originally Posted by patientone
I have a feeling it burnt out a long time ago.


But since I am already bigger than most guys goal sizes, I guess I just have to count myself among the lucky. But thanks for your help anyhow.

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