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Really trying to gain length but.

Really trying to gain length but.

I’m in my 10th week of PE and I have been unable to gain any length so far. Most people who are successful in gaining length report seeing gains after about 3 months of PEing. I’m almost to three months and so far I’ve not seen any increase.

I’ve been doing the newbie routine including manual stretching, and jelqing at about 40-50% hardness.

I’ve noticed from my research that most people have a easy time gaining length and a harder time with girth. I’m completely opposite because I’ve actually been able to gain .25in in girth, which is great and I’m very encouraged about that, but I’m more interested in length.

What am I doing wrong? I know PE is working because I am much thicker and I hang fuller, it’s just not working in the area where in need it.

Is there anyone with length gains who can give me some tips?

Ten weeks is not so much, when you look at it. Newbie routine won’t do much after that time. If you want more, change the routine, add the time etc. I really did change a lot of things in my PE routine from the start till now. I tried out a lot of things, some didn’t work - some did. It all depends, you need to try out every thing you can. Experiment a bit, it won’t hurt you and it may help you out!

Started: 15.5cm x 12cm, Now: 19.5cm x 13.3cm, Goal: 21cm x 15cm

I'm going to reach my goal, and there is no one who can stop me! Yes, I'm a persistent bastard :D

My Pictures! I am back baby, and I will hang out with my wang out!

Are you stretching at downward angles and straight down? How long do you stretch for on “on” days? What intensity do you use when stretching and jelqing?

You could try including V stretches in your routine, if you haven’t already.

I am stretching straight down and to the sides (S, SW, SE). I am stretching for about 10 min as the newbie routine suggests. I don’t know how to describe the intensity, I feel like I give it a good stretch but maybe I need to use more force. I have read about v stretches but I am not exactly clear on what they are.

Originally Posted by bill6275
I am stretching straight down and to the sides (S, SW, SE). I am stretching for about 10 min as the newbie routine suggests. I don’t know how to describe the intensity, I feel like I give it a good stretch but maybe I need to use more force. I have read about v stretches but I am not exactly clear on what they are.

If it feels like you get a good stretch then thats good. No need to use more force. Keep on stretching and jelqing, and increase the TIME first, if that doesnt work for 2-3 months, increase the intensity of the stretches, but first keep on pulling for another 2-3 months to see if you gained anything before increasing intensity.

Thats the safe way of playing this.

Thanks for all of the responses. I am going to add the V stretch to my routine and report back. Anyone know how long before I should see a measurable result?

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