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Girth Gain but no Length gain


Girth Gain but no Length gain

Hey guys

I was hoping to get some headers on what might be up with me.

I worked on my PE intensively for 2 month now. Almost 2-3 times a week, for about 20 -30 minutes a session.

I measured and I only gained about .25 inch in girth and barely any noticeable length gain.

Is it too early to worry about the length gain?

Right now, I measure about 6.25 in. BPEL and 5.00 inch in Girth. Where would I stand in terms of length and thickness relative to others? I always thought I am on the lower end of the scale.


October 16, 2007 @ 6.25” BPEL 4.75” EG - February 07, 2009 @ 6.70 BPEL 5" EG

Currently: May, 2010 @ 7.5” BPEL 5.25” EG

Goal: 8.5" BPEL x 6" EG

What does your routine look like? If you are gaining, then you must be doing something right. Sometimes, some guys gain length easy and girth hard, girth easy and length hard and both easy. You must be one of those that don’t gain length easily. But you have been PEing for too short a time to know that definately.

Average in length and in girth, IMO.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

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AOM's training log

What is your erection level when jelqing?

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

For the past 2 months, my erection levels were usually 60-80% when I did the exercises. It was very difficult to get flaccid when jelqing (dry jelq.)

My routine was very simple. I warmed up using hot water for about 5 minutes in the shower. I then stretched for 5 minutes, and jelqed for 15.

About yesterday, I started to use lubricant and wet jelq instead of dry jelq. Maybe this might help with length gain.

October 16, 2007 @ 6.25” BPEL 4.75” EG - February 07, 2009 @ 6.70 BPEL 5" EG

Currently: May, 2010 @ 7.5” BPEL 5.25” EG

Goal: 8.5" BPEL x 6" EG

With 5 minutes of stretching, you length gains would be almost minimal. Get it up to like 15 minutes and work it up from there.

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

My Pics

AOM's training log

My man, I am the same way. I increased my girth by almost an inch, And length only by a half inch in 6 months. And that first half inch was almost overnight (ligament gain) I am now about to start hanging, and I will purchase a pump I almost pack, So all I get in length. Look into those as well as an All Day Stretcher (ADS)

Originally Posted by aom91
With 5 minutes of stretching, you length gains would be almost minimal. Get it up to like 15 minutes and work it up from there.

And higher erection levels produce more girth, try to keep it under 70%. Even if you have to take a momentary break to let it relax down under 70%.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

I think I will become even more serious because of my girth gain, it has shown me that it works. Of course it works to most people on this site, but for some time we all had our doubts and now it is gone.

I will try to do more stretch, and jelq with a lower erection level as some of you guys have suggested.

I am a bit uneasy with ADS. TO me it seems like too much of a very unnatural stress added to your penis for a long time. I am afraid of consequences. Maybe I still try it out after a bit more time with the newbie’s routine.

October 16, 2007 @ 6.25” BPEL 4.75” EG - February 07, 2009 @ 6.70 BPEL 5" EG

Currently: May, 2010 @ 7.5” BPEL 5.25” EG

Goal: 8.5" BPEL x 6" EG

I think everybody is different. I got more then half inch and almost .25 inch in girth. MoStely i do 20 minutes hanging and after that about 10 minutes Jelq.

You have a fortunate starting size. You are on the larger end of average. Do v and a stretches. Do lots of jelqing and remember rest days. Besides, .25 inches in girth gives you more penis volume then .25 inches in length would. Many people on here would die for that kind of gain. I suggest you read kevin12 and chronostone’s entire progress threads. Pay attention to everything said in there. Very valuable information.

In search of a perfect body, penis, and girl.

The search NO longer continues. :)

Thank you for answering guys. You are right spaghettidick, I do have a very good start.

I am going to start reading both their progress report, and change my routine a little bit.

October 16, 2007 @ 6.25” BPEL 4.75” EG - February 07, 2009 @ 6.70 BPEL 5" EG

Currently: May, 2010 @ 7.5” BPEL 5.25” EG

Goal: 8.5" BPEL x 6" EG

.25 inches in girth in 2 months is great! Congratulations! PE is a sport for a lifetime. Don’t get discouraged you are doing fine!

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by ilovemtl

I am a bit uneasy with ADS. TO me it seems like too much of a very unnatural stress added to your penis for a long time. I am afraid of consequences. Maybe I still try it out after a bit more time with the newbie’s routine.

Then stick to manual stretches. Manual exercises are proven to give good gains, as you have experienced yourself. IMO, you should not do something you don’t like (unless, of course, it gives you a ton of gains)

Obsession is a word used by the lazy to describe the dedicated.

My Pics

AOM's training log

I’ve also had this same problem, I’ve been doing PE for 2 months and gained 0.25 inches girth but no length.

The thing is though, I would do half of my jelqs at 70-80% erection, and the other half at 50-60%, thinking that the lower erection jelqs would help with length but they haven’t. I think I’m going to do some more stretching now to help length.

I hope I have your problem. I would Kill for good girth gains.

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