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Red Light Therapy combined with PE

Red Light Therapy combined with PE


Does anyone have experience with using red light therapy as part of a structured regimen over a sustained period?

I’ve perused a lot of the older posts discussing red light therapy but never came across a compelling anecdote. In the last couple of years, red light therapy has gone from junk/pseudo-science to a viable therapy. And so, I’m hoping to find some members here who have utilized red light therapy as part of their PE routine. While I don’t believe it will contribute directly to length/girth gains, I feel it may help with healing the penile tissues between PE workouts. I’ve started using my red light after sessions to become my own guinea pig so-to-speak, and so I wanted to reach out and see if there was anyone else using red light therapy actively in their routines.

All the best,

Do you expose your penis/genitals directly to the red light? In other words, do you specifically target that area with the red light?

I use the same range of red light also. I ordered it last fall to help with seasonal depression from the reduced sunlight and I feel it helped immensely in that regard. Thank you for your input - I have some stretch marks on my biceps I’m not fond of and so I’ll be trying that :)

Originally Posted by slides

Does anyone have experience with using red light therapy as part of a structured regimen over a sustained period?

I’ve perused a lot of the older posts discussing red light therapy but never came across a compelling anecdote. In the last couple of years, red light therapy has gone from junk/pseudo-science to a viable therapy. And so, I’m hoping to find some members here who have utilized red light therapy as part of their PE routine. While I don’t believe it will contribute directly to length/girth gains, I feel it may help with healing the penile tissues between PE workouts.

All the best,

Have you seen all my posts on RED + NIR, since Solany has been silent for a few months I have been pushing hard for all to see the (RED) light. You are right for just the healing it is something that should be done but there might be 3 more additional benefits, unproven but possible additional benefits to it.

1. I have done it 30 min just about daily for 8 months, no skin issues or problems to note. I also let it hit my stomach so that I can hopefully reduce fat pad ( this is a theory).
2. Anytime I might feel a slight push or injury, red light has been there for me.
3. You note "I don’t believe it will contribute directly to length/girth gains," there are two theories to that. 1. It may or may not contribute to growth (this is true, it is a theory and more research is needed) 2. From what many have noted there is something to say that with RED + NIR you may lower the time needed in your session. So for instance if your hanging routine is 1 hour, there is a theory that you can get that done in less time with RED + NIR. How much it is unknown and changes per person. But the fact remains that many believe this to be true.
4. You can use it as your WARM up for any PE exercise

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

Originally Posted by slides
Do you expose your penis/genitals directly to the red light? In other words, do you specifically target that area with the red light?

There are reports that if it hits your balls the only issue is that you will have stronger semen. No issues to report on negative outcomes.

Stop setting goals, set objectives without limitations.

5.5 NBPEL Start~~ 5.7 NBPEL- 2011 ~~ 5.75 NBPEL/ 4.25 EG 2012 (Stop 11 years- Started again 4/2023 same stats as 2012)

6.25 NBPEL / 6.75 BPEL / 4.75 EG (5 EG w/ C-Ring over ball & shaft) / Grower 4 FL - 4/2024 ~~ (Objective 6.75 NBPEL / 7.25 BPEL / 5.25 EG & Solid EQ)

Originally Posted by AndyJ
Yes. Close enough to touch the pump tube. It’s a little too hot for more than momentary direct contact with skin.

Thank you. I have a red light panel that doesn’t get warm/hot at all but it hasn’t been any time at all since I started using the red light down there during pumping sessions. I’ve been hanging consistently for about a year but not with the red light. It’s a little difficult with my 2’x2’ panel so I’ve just been using it during pumping sessions
( Approx 2 weeks or so, too soon for any conclusions or even suspicions )

Originally Posted by Bemorethanbig
Have you seen all my posts on RED + NIR, since Solany has been silent for a few months I have been pushing hard for all to see the (RED) light. You are right for just the healing it is something that should be done but there might be 3 more additional benefits, unproven but possible additional benefits to it.

1. I have done it 30 min just about daily for 8 months, no skin issues or problems to note. I also let it hit my stomach so that I can hopefully reduce fat pad ( this is a theory).
2. Anytime I might feel a slight push or injury, red light has been there for me.
3. You note "I don’t believe it will contribute directly to length/girth gains," there are two theories to that. 1. It may or may not contribute to growth (this is true, it is a theory and more research is needed) 2. From what many have noted there is something to say that with RED + NIR you may lower the time needed in your session. So for instance if your hanging routine is 1 hour, there is a theory that you can get that done in less time with RED + NIR. How much it is unknown and changes per person. But the fact remains that many believe this to be true.
4. You can use it as your WARM up for any PE exercise

I may have stumbled across some. But there is also a sea of posts ( from like 5-10+ years ago ) that kind of laugh at red light therapy. So I’ll have to adjust my filters a bit more and find your posts. I’ve been using red light consistently to help with my mood and because of my reduced exposure to actual sunlight. And I’ve had some benefit in better mood and feeling of well being. I’ve also read a few studies on red light therapy and it just seems to me like it’s a no-brainer to add to a PE routine. Hopefully in addition to having stronger swimmers. It helps increase testosterone but I think the jury is still out on that front.

Originally Posted by slides
It’s a little difficult with my 2’x2’ panel so I’ve just been using it during pumping sessions

I started with a 54-watt NIR lamp that’s screwed into an articulated desk lamp on a nearby shelf. I added a 6x18? inch panel that I mostly use on my arms and legs, and a flexible IR "knee wrap".

The knee wrap doesn’t even get noticeably warm, but the IR output is high enough I had to cut back on exposure time when using it around my pump tube; apparently "infrared sunburn" is a thing. I wasn’t really expecting much out of it, particularly with wimpy USB power, but it puts out a serious amount of light.

Bonus: the end of the tube that sticks out past the wrap blazes angry red, like Satan’s own light saber.

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