Oldjake from…..
”from my experience about 6 years ago(all the way to) good luck”
Is exactly what I mean and unless I drive 200 miles to NYC I won’t find that type of help here. It’s unfortunate that us guys have little control over certain areas of our lives particularly when it comes to sex. Our only real form of birth control is a condom unless we get snipped. If we have EQ issues we get to have the embarrassing talk with our dr and a lot of the time our spouse who may be less then understanding, or shop online and hope for the best. Finding a place like you went to closer to home would be a god sent. And honestly the way I see it if I can shell out 12k for my wife’s tummy tuck, why not for my own well-being. Unfortunately, again there’s no place near home for me so I’ll deal with the blood work through my GP and try to devise plan on my own based on food and possibly supplements until I find Dr that works on us guys as we age. The other thing I can do is after my GP gets the blood work get a referral for an endocrinologist, but there again lies a possible issue as theyre so jammed up with diabetics and cancer patients.