Deadeye, yes.
I use my left hand, palm against body, to hold my gonads back and fat pad down so I can grab closer to my
body with my right hand, which I use a palm down grip on. I do 33 like this, then I switch hands and do 33 with
the left hand then I do 35 alternating palm up jelqs pulling up towards my belly, sort of like “v” jelqs. Then
I “helicopter” it a few times, and then, since I lose my erection while jelqing, I masterbate to gain it back
somewhat before I start again. I do about 8 to 10 sets like this. I also have to do it like this because my grip
gets weak after many more reps (perhaps I grasp too tightly?).
I was wondering if the rest periods between sets (1 to 1.5 minutes), were dentrimental to the quantity of
gains. Maybe it dosent matter that much.