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resizing avatars?

resizing avatars?

Hi guys, this is me in my avatar, but I couldnt get the full picture of my face and my motorbike together. I had to cut my face out so there wouldnt be that many pixels. The original picture is 9 kb with 150 X 229 demensions. How can I get this pic to fit in my avatar without cutting it?

Originally Posted by stmheath
Hi guys, this is me in my avatar, but I couldnt get the full picture of my face and my motorbike together. I had to cut my face out so there wouldnt be that many pixels. The original picture is 9 kb with 150 X 229 demensions. How can I get this pic to fit in my avatar without cutting it?

Use paint

I did. I cut and paste to a new one but its so small on the page. can you explain how you would do it?

I have the Dutch version of Windows so I can’t get in any details because I don’t know the exact naming in English. You can find it in the 4th button on the above bar and then the second one.

Zigg is the expert on this matter.

I hold the fates bound fast in iron chains and with my hand turn fortune's wheel about... - Marlowe's Tamburlaine

Oh well, forget it. I think we can all agree its the man that makes the motorbike and I think a stunning head shot like this has alpha written all over it.

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