Thunder's Place

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Results after 2.5 days of PE

Results after 2.5 days of PE

So I did the newbie primer, and instead of taking the 3rd day off, I did PE light, and am taking tonight off. Anyway, my unit is already hanging lower and appearing larger when limp. Can’t say there’s that much erect difference , but, is this normal?

Yes, this is perfectly normal.

10/07: BPEL: 7.5" EG: 5.5" Now:BPEL: 8.5" EG: 5.6" Mid Girth Goal: BPEL: 8.5" EG: 6" Early Pics Latest Pics

Hey man, you are just scratching the surface. You really notice some improvements after a month… and after three you will be hooked for life. Just remember days off are good. and if your EQ dips lighten up a little and really crank out those kegels.

The Kegel Nazi's Triumphant come back to PE. Re-Starting at BPEL: 7" and MSEG: 6"

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