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Reverse kegel for stamina

Reverse kegel for stamina

I found that a regular kegel is a 50 - 50 shot if I want to hold an ejaculation. However, I grabbed a copy of Mantak Chia’s Book, Multi-Orgasmic Man, which emphasizes relaxation, breathing, and focus. I DID find, however, at least for myself, that a REVERSE KEGEL actually lets me go for a LONG TIME during masturbation. I simply get to close to the “edge,” reverse kegel while breathing out strongly, and Voila; everything calms back down! I also noticed that I can balloon the shaft doing this. It stands straight up during this phenomenon. When I finally figured it out, I found that I went for like TWO HOURS STRAIGHT! I still left it without blowing a load.

I have a big warning though. If you do it before bedtime, you will NOT go to sleep. For some reason, instead of the tired feeling after a good session with ejaculation, I found that I actually get the OPPOSITE thing happening without the ejaculation. I had to lift weights and do things all night. I was wound up all night and didn’t sleep until later in the afternoon the next day. Crazy, huh?

I’m not sure about the multiple orgasmic thing that’s supposed to happen with this later, because I didn’t actually have any orgasms trying this, just little teeny ones.

Maybe you more advanced folks can give me more things to look forward to discovering for myself later on as I keep trying.

Starting Stats: 6" bpel x 5.5" eg Current Stats (2nd length goal MET!): 7.0" bpel x 5.5" eg 2nd Goal: 7.5" bpel x 5.75" eg BIG Goal: 8.0" bpel x 6.5" eg

The intensity and frequency of your orgasms has more to do with your mind than your body. When I was 21, I was able to have six hours of sex (2 three hour sessions) without ejaculating. As I gained more control with less effort, my mind was freed to allow me more intense orgasms. I was very lucky to have a girlfriend with an appetite as big as mine. Eventually, though I had to teach myself to ejaculate more quickly, because I became self-serving. My dick was so hard it wouldn’t bend and I would orgasm like crazy, but not ejaculate. All that did was stroke my ego and inflict pain on my girlfriend.

But a word to the wise. Teach yourself how to multiple orgasm by stroking yourself. It works better and your partner will appreciate not being a guinea pig. And make your body stronger so that you can ejaculate many times without going soft or crippling yourself. Trust me, that’s far more impressive to the ladies.


Originally Posted by rufstuf
Eventually, though I had to teach myself to ejaculate more quickly, because I became self-serving.



How do you teach yourself to ejaculate more quickly? I’m currently having that problem of prolonged sex without ejaculating. My partner would be really sore and we have to stop after about a hour of bumping and grinding. Many times she would have to get me off manually which I do enjoy but I rather blow my load while doing the bump and grind. I think if I can cut the sex time down to about 30min, it would be much more enjoyable then it currently is. 1hr+ is a lot of work and sweating.

I found reverse kegels to work as a prolongator too, although I never thought of the name ‘reverse kegel’. I’ve also found it to give farther, more voluminous, and stronger ejaculations.

Great post, Maj.Wood. I myself have been trying to figure out the multi-orgasmic thing. Not so much for multiple orgasms, but simply to get better control of when I actually ejaculate.

Within this forum, I’ve read differing explanations as to exactly what a REVERSE KEGEL is. Could you describe what you yourself mean by that term? Do you practise doing them as part of your PE routine?

Think of doing a kegel, but instead of contracting the muscle, specifically don’t contract it. The tendency (at least as far as I know) is for the muscle to flex as much as possible while you are erect, especially if you are familiar with and perform kegels. What a reverse kegel would then be would be the specific and deliberate abstinence from kegel-ing

Or almost forcing yourself to piss right before you cum, this helpes alot.

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Well, I can hardly go for hours without ejaculating every now and then.

It’s not that I couldn’t hold it, I can, but after a while, say 45 minutes or so, I begin to feel discomfort as apparently there is continuing fluid buildup in the prostate throughout sex. If I go for close to two ours without a single release, the state becomes painful and takes all the fun out of climaxing. While the amount might eventually be substantial, there is no added benefit, on the contrary, I’ll feel sore even afterwards. Tell me, do you experience similar sensations? Perhaps I just keep myself too close to the edge all the time and my physique supposes that I’m about to come all the time? I have a quite low blood pressure, though, and to keep completely hard I have to remain in the “top 30%” of excitement.

So a revers kegel is just trying to piss?

Hopefully this thread hasn’t been dead for too long, but in my experiments of reverse kegels it is trying to piss. I found out about it through reading an old DoubleLongDaddy routine, the “DLD Blaster”. To get the feeling of what a reverse kegel is, try holding a kegel for 5 seconds, then PUSH the muscle out the exact opposite way for 5 seconds. You will feel the difference in the positioning of your BC or PC muscle. When I think back to high school, there were times when me and my girl would sneak out of class to fuck at her house when noone was home :) ahh memories.. but then I was under the pressure to “cum as fast as I could”. So I remember as soon as she got on top of me, I was pushing out as hard as I could trying to cum, but it just resulted in lasting a very long time.

A little time has passed since I used to get laid like I did in high school, and when I got to college, my girlfriend didnt have the sexual appetite my old girl did, so we didnt have sex as much, but we weren’t on pressured time constraints like in Highschool. So, in this case as soon as she got on top I was trying to hold in as hard as I could (regular kegels) and ended up busting in 5 minutes or less thinking “What the frick happened to me?”. Plus she didn’t like to do it more than 1 time a day for reasons I still don’t know why.

In conclusion I sum up that reverse kegels (pushing out) are the key to holding your load as opposed to “holding in” kegels which is harder than trying to hold back 100,000 Haitians at this years elections.

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