Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




What is a kegel?

A kegel is the name of a pelvic floor exercise, named after Dr. Kegel who discovered the exercise. These muscles are attached to the pelvic bone and act like a hammock, holding in your pelvic organs. To try and isolate these muscles trying stopping and starting the flow of urine.

How do I do the kegel exercise?

Once you have located the muscles simply tighten and relax the mascle over and over. These are basic kegels. There are many variations on kegels: elevator kegels (Where you tighten slowly, in increments going in and out, like an elevator stopping on several floors.), you can hold the muscle tightened for five seconds, you can bulge the muscles out at the end, and many other variations.

Why would I want to do kegel exercises?

Kegeling provides many benefits:

Stronger Erections
Longer Erections due to blood hold capacity
Larger head size
Further enjaculatorty Distance
Sexual enjoyment is enhanced for both partners
It can prevent prolapses of pelvic organs
It can help prevent leaking urine when you sneeze or cough

What is a Reverse Kegel?

A Reverse kegel is the name of a pelvic exercise, made popular by DrGMerlin who preached the importance of the exercise. To try and isolate these muscles trying push the flow of urine as hard as you can.

How do I do the Reverse Kegel exercise?

Once you have located this muscle movement you are now ready to make feel the difference between the Kegel and Reverse Kegel. Tighten or Kegel your PC muscle not push out doing a Reverse Kegel. Practice this variation. Become very in tune with the push and squeeze movements. The more comfortable you become with the two exercises the greater success you will have in PE IMO.

Why would I want to do Reverse kegel exercises?

Reverse Kegeling benefits:

The ability to remain erect after an erection
the ability to have male multiple orgasm
More intense orgasm
Stretching Benefits (See Below)

Combining the Kegel and Reverse Kegel to work for you in a stretching program.

The DLD BLASTER is based on the Kegel and Reverse Kegel for one main reason. When I stretch I have a natural habit to squeeze my PC muscle. I think this may be some sort of safety reaction but I do it. The most important thing to me in a stretching session is to Hit My Ligs…the problem here is if I am squeezing my PC muscle (Kegeling) and the majority of the stretch is being taken by the PC muscle and not the ligs. This for me meant minimal length gains if any. It made sense to me that a total reversal of this movement, a REVERSE KEGEL would alow me to hit my ligs with little help for the PC muscle. As both the Kegel and Reverse Kegel have positive benefits the combination of the two made the most sense to me. I played with the idea of completely exhausting the PC muscle before a stretch session but this made little sense to me because my penis would stretch easier but I was left with a pile of mush until I recovered. So the DLD Blaster incorporated the Kegel for 5 seconds to strengthen the PC muscle followed by a 5 second Reverse Kegel to hit the ligs for the ultimate stretch. I also found during these early tests that the ability to stretch harder on the Reverse Kegel would give me even greater length gains. This is when I decided to start using the “A” stretch in conjunction with the DLD Blasters.

I hope this helps clear up some of the confusion about the mysterious kegel and it’s role in PE for me.

Most of this information is in this thread:

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Hey DLD,

Thanks for the post, as it has helped me out quite a bit by clarifying the various roles and benefits of the different PC exercises.

I’m still kind of new to the world of PE, but I have to agree that traditional kegeling has improved my ejaculatory distance quite substantially over the matter of only a few weeks. To me, it seems as if some people are afraid to do traditional kegels, because it is making their PC muscle too strong, therefore negating any possibility for efficient stretching. I really don’t think you can make your PC too strong, but just have to do your routines in a smart manner, by incorporating JAI’s or the reverse kegel, as you have said.

Note: I personally haven’t figured out the reverse kegels yet, but I’ll work at it and see what happens over time.

By the way, just a quick little note. I think kegels are good to do at any age. I am only 24, and by some people’s opinion, should have a strong PC muscle. However, I have realized that there is always room for improvement, and in some cases (like mine), there is a lot of room for improvement.

This post should probably be pinned or archived. It answers many questions in one location. Good work DLD!


6-22-08: 7.5' BPEL, 7' NBPEL, 7.75' BPSFL, 5.25' EG

Goals: 8' NBPEL, 6' EG, 21' NBPSFL

Originally posted by UberGoober
This post should probably be pinned or archived. It answers many questions in one location. Good work DLD!

I hope people take the time to read it like you guys did. I really think there is a huge connection with the PC Muscle Penis Enlargement. From the begining of my program my mentor hammered this stuff into my head…

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Originally posted by dyslexic_smile

To me, it seems as if some people are afraid to do traditional kegels, because it is making their PC muscle too strong, therefore negating any possibility for efficient stretching.

Im one of these people, never wanting to do many kegels for fear that it might get harder to get good stretches. I would really like more input on this.

And DLD, what did your mentor said that you feel so strongly about it? Your opinion is very important to me.


Originally posted by Chi

Im one of these people, never wanting to do many kegels for fear that it might get harder to get good stretches. I would really like more input on this.
And DLD, what did your mentor said that you feel so strongly about it? Your opinion is very important to me.


The goal is to relax your pubic muscles, and your whole body, when stretching. There are several ways to accomplish this. Working the PC by kegeling until it tires is one.

Another that works great for me but doesn’t get much press is a soak in a hot bath or a long, hot shower. Heat relaxes me. Try it.

Stretch cold and you’ll feel your PC muscle contract reflexively when you apply tension. Soak in hot water for awhile or take a long, hot shower and try stretching again. You’ll find everything is relaxed, and the only tension in your body is in your arms and shoulders when you pull on your dick. Big difference. You can throw in some reverse kegels for good measure.

Originally posted by Chi

Im one of these people, never wanting to do many kegels for fear that it might get harder to get good stretches. I would really like more input on this.
And DLD, what did your mentor said that you feel so strongly about it? Your opinion is very important to me.

I think a very good advantage I had in the earlier part of my program was ignorance. I did not know why he made certain points I only believed there was good reason so I did them. He would talk of the importance of Kegels as the way to get “cock like a lead pipe” this sounded good to me so I did a vigerous PC workout. Once I started gaining knowledge from these forums that exact fear started to become an issue with my program. I was constantly debating if I should continue doing Kegels for fear it would deprive me of length gains. This is the main reason I developed the Blasters becasue in my mind I wanted a STONG PC MUSCLE (remember the lead pipe) But I also wanted to make my stretching sessions the best they could be. After messing around with Kegel and Reverse Kegel Stretching I found an exercise that accomplished both desires.

Kegel + Stretch = Stronger PC Muscle
The reason I think this is true is because when I am doing a Kegel the dominant weight of the stretch is being supported by the PC muscle so as I fight the PC squeeze (KEGEL) with a stretch it is giving a resistance that strengthens my PC muscle.

ReverseKegel + Stretch = Better Stretch
The reason I think this is true is because when I do a reverse kegel and stretch most of the tension of that stretch is now being supported by the Ligs instead of the PC.

Using the “A” stretch in this exercise allowed me to stretch even harder on the Reverse Kegel with a simple arch of the wrist.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


good stuff

so have you measured yet?

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Excellent DLD

I’ve tried stretch with the reverse kegeling and you can really feel the diference. DLD since you are the inventor and master of ReverseKegel I have a question for you. It seems a little funny, but I have problems with breathing when I am doing it. I strectch my unit for 30-40 seconds and by ReverseKegel you have to push it and during that push I can’t breathe, because when I inhale it seems that I stop pushing. How do you breathe?

Re: Excellent DLD

Originally posted by bigblackstick
good stuff

so have you measured yet?

When do I stop measuring should be the question :) thanks for reading this stuff bigblackstick…I hope everyone is reading it, I think that not enough importance is put on this stuff. My measurements are still increasing, I do not want to post yet (I’m psycho about when I post it).

Originally posted by bel24mondo
I've tried stretch with the reverse kegeling and you can really feel the diference. DLD since you are the inventor and master of ReverseKegel I have a question for you. It seems a little funny, but I have problems with breathing when I am doing it. I strectch my unit for 30-40 seconds and by ReverseKegel you have to push it and during that push I can't breathe, because when I inhale it seems that I stop pushing. How do you breathe?

Good question…I like to inhale on the Kegel and do a long exadurated exhale on the Reverse Kegel. Cut back on how long you hold the stretch and concentrate more on smaller sets. (ie. 5 second Kegel followed by a 5 second Reverse Kegel and exhale…remember to stretch with all you have on the reverse Kegel, exhaling should allow this.)

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

“Once you have located this muscle movement you are now ready to make feel the difference between the Kegel and Reverse Kegel. Tighten or Kegel your PC muscle not push out doing a Reverse Kegel.”


what exactly is a reverse kegel…I’ve read all your posts numerous times, but I have yet to find a truly descriptive description of how to do it, and the difference in feeling. of stretching the pc muscle vs. the ligs

Originally posted by escobar
“Once you have located this muscle movement you are now ready to make feel the difference between the Kegel and Reverse Kegel. Tighten or Kegel your PC muscle not push out doing a Reverse Kegel.”


what exactly is a reverse kegel…I've read all your posts numerous times, but I have yet to find a truly descriptive description of how to do it, and the difference in feeling. of stretching the pc muscle vs. the ligs

What is a Reverse Kegel?

A Reverse kegel is the name of a pelvic exercise, made popular by DrGMerlin who preached the importance of the exercise. To try and isolate these muscles try to push the flow of urine as hard as you can. This muscle movement is the Reverse Keggle.

How do I do the Reverse Kegel exercise?

Once you have located this muscle movement you are now ready to make feel the difference between the Kegel and Reverse Kegel. Tighten or Kegel your PC muscle not push out doing a Reverse Kegel. Practice this variation. Become very in tune with the push and squeeze movements. The more comfortable you become with the two exercises the greater success you will have in PE IMO.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple


dammit you’ve been holding out long enough! Post your new measurements already!! ok, just give me your last reported measurement then…….

I’ll settle for that.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


Originally posted by bigblackstick
dammit you've been holding out long enough! Post your new measurements already!! ok, just give me your last reported measurement then…….

I'll settle for that.

Last reported measurements were 11” x 6.75”

Next report will be at a cemented 12 x 7…until I know it is there I wont report it.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Your a friggin PSYCHO! Go away! Your making me feel bad :(

LoL….is it really true that reverse kegeling can allow you to keep going after ejaculating once? If so, gonna have to do these! I keep trying to do them, but it seems im working my abs out more than anything else =\ I tried forcing my pee out as hard as I could but it doesnt go much faster, tho I do get more distance (tried it outside once when there was no bathroom :P )

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