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ORIGINAL Reverse Kegels thread

ORIGINAL Reverse Kegels thread

I remember a couple years back that (I think) Drmerlin posted a thread on either here on PEforums about reverse kegels back before anyone knew you could even do anything like that and stream out cum without having an orgasm. Anyone know where it is?

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.


The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

You people are so helpless. I just went to PE Forums, searched for “kegel” by user “drgmerlin” (it helped to know the correct spelling, I’ll give you that) and got this:

Originally Posted by Alrdybig

The search feature is invaluable, as WestLA has shown.

Also, please do not “bump” threads.

Originally Posted by westla90069
You people are so helpless. I just went to PE Forums, searched for “kegel” by user “drgmerlin” (it helped to know the correct spelling, I’ll give you that) and got this:

Hahahha westla…I might be helpless, but I’m not THAT helpless. I did a search here AND at before I posted this thread. The link you directed me to wasn’t about that. It was about the supplement Clomid. I ran into that thread as well when I searched. In that post, Merlin mentions “Reverse Kegel” which is indicitive of the fact that the whole reverse kegel discussion was already over and now that is a technique he usually uses. I am looking for his (or was it someone elses) first post on that matter.

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

It may be gone. Big Al once purged a whole bunch of older threads. A lot of good stuff was lost. :(

Hmm, that’s a good possibility considering that I searched heaven and hell for it.

The only power a woman has over you is that which you give her.

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