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what do reverse kegels feel like?

what do reverse kegels feel like?

I have been kegeling for several years. I have read through the the threads on reverse kegels and have been trying them also. However, I am not sure if I am really isolating them or not.

When I contract what I think is the reverse kegels (like when trying to push pee out) it feels like most of my stomach is involved. Where specifically should I feel the reverse kegel contract?

Thanks for all the great insight!

Pay closer attention to the feeling next time you pee and push your pee out. Thats exactly what it feels like. You shouldnt be giving your self stomach muscle cramps or soreness….I’ve done that! LOL and that is doing it the wrong way…your stomach plays little if any role.


Use the “search” function at the top of the page.

Willb7’s is a good place to start.

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

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