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Reverse Kegel, or Regular Kegels

Reverse Kegel, or Regular Kegels

I’ve read many threads about people using each of these methods to prolong ejaculation while having sex. I wouldn’t mind knowing what most people use and if it can be used while continually having sex, or if you have to pull out while doing it.

Oh, and I’ve gained a 1/2 inch in length and a bit in girth in 48 days of PEing. Pretty happy!

Congrats on the gains kenshe. I’ve never tried kegeling to edge while having sex but it might work. I’ll have to try it sometime. :) I wouldn’t think you would need to pull out. Maybe practice doing some ballooning and edging to get at what your talking about which in this case uses kegels. Reverse kegels are more for manual stretching, hanging, ADS type stuff. I have heard they help sometmes for increasing penile pump though. Just expierment when you feel like it.

Do a search for “multiple male orgasm”. Those are the threads that explain how its done. You don’t have to pull out, but most guys do stop humping so as not to give themselves more stimulation.

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