Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Rice sock

Rice sock

Hi guys,

Sorry for the newb question, but I tried searching and couldn’t find what I was looking for! I’m having trouble imagining how to make/use the rice sock as a warmup technique. Does anyone have any pictures of it in use? Or better directions for making one? Any help is GREATLY appreciated as the warm wrap just requires too much rewetting. Thanks so much!

Yes, please respond to this. I can’t seem to find it using search either.

Start 6/13/07 BPEL: 6.4 / EG: 5.5

7/14/07 BPEL: 6.875 / EG: 5.75 / NBPEL: 6.5

nevermind, just found it. check this out ssflex. /forum/search.p … earchid=1301736

Start 6/13/07 BPEL: 6.4 / EG: 5.5

7/14/07 BPEL: 6.875 / EG: 5.75 / NBPEL: 6.5

Thanks shnordle

Sorry. Best I could do in a hurry. The caulk tube represent me and the wrap is a rice sock.

The rice sock is just that. It is an over the calf sock about 3/4 full of rice(uncooked) and tied off with a rubber band. Heat in micorwave to desired temp. I usually heat mine about 2 minutes.

fow........Original Goal" 9" x 6", Started PE 10/27/99 at 7.0"bpel, 5.5" eg, 4.5"fl

Major Plateau: from 07/01/01 thru 12/01/07 at 8.75"bpel, 6.25"eg, 7.0"fl, 5.5"eg, 9.0"fsl

Stopped PE 12/01/07 Measured 04/03/08 8.00"bpel, 6.25"eg, 7.0"fl, 5.5"eg, 9.0"fsl......2010 back up to 8.5" x 6.25"

Sorry, forgot to resize the picture

fow........Original Goal" 9" x 6", Started PE 10/27/99 at 7.0"bpel, 5.5" eg, 4.5"fl

Major Plateau: from 07/01/01 thru 12/01/07 at 8.75"bpel, 6.25"eg, 7.0"fl, 5.5"eg, 9.0"fsl

Stopped PE 12/01/07 Measured 04/03/08 8.00"bpel, 6.25"eg, 7.0"fl, 5.5"eg, 9.0"fsl......2010 back up to 8.5" x 6.25"

Can’t post pics in the newbie forum mate. :(

Start 6/13/07 BPEL: 6.4 / EG: 5.5

7/14/07 BPEL: 6.875 / EG: 5.75 / NBPEL: 6.5

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