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Routine for EQ Erection Quality

Routine for EQ Erection Quality

Hey guys,

I’ll make this quick: my EQ hasn’t been so good over the past few years even though I’m in my mid-20’s. Even at it’s hardest, it feels like it’s at about 70% and I’ll have problems sometimes during sex where it’s just not hard enough.

One of the main reasons I’m getting into jelqing and PE is to improve my EQ. Are there any specific routines built for EQ? Or any tips or standardized advice? For example, would it be better for me to jelq at higher or lower erection levels?

Thanks guys, hope someone can help me out!

Do girth based work to increase your EQ and forget length

Start (october 2010) : BPEL 18,5 cm ; EL 17,5 cm ; MSEG 13,75 cm ,BEG 14,25 cm ;FL 12 cm ; FG 10,75 cm ; BPFSL 18,5 cm

3 months later ( January 2011) : BPEL 19 cm ; EL 18 cm ; MSEG 14 cm ; BEG 14,5 cm FL (hard to say if it grows due to size shifting of the soft state.. The same as before or bigger!) ; FG 11 cm ; BPFSL 19 cm***all hard sizes taken @ my hardest and doing a kegel***Goal: cementing a round 18 x 14 hard coupled with a good EQ.

Have you been doing the newbie routine? You mentioned “getting into jelqing and PE”. Many guys report improved EQ, myself included, just from doing the newbie routine.

:_pump: :donatecar

@Smega Thanks man, I’ll look into it. It looks like people recommend jelqing at 70% erection levels or higher. I’ve also heard this can be dangerous so I can guess I’ll be doing it carefully. Will keep you guys updated on the progress.

@Clgp7 Yeah, I have been doing the newbie routine for a little bit but haven’t noticed any big difference in EQ. But I know this is a long-term thing so I’ll just keep at it and hope for the best. What kind of differences did you notice in EQ if you don’t mind me asking? And is it constant or just after you do your jelq workouts?

Grant, I recommend you see a doctor and check testosterone levels. It doesn’t sound normal that a guy your age has this condition for so long. Are you doing kegel exercises? These can affect your EQ really good.

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:

I second the advice on girth work, every time I take a break and then come back to it, I often have to excuse myself from public situations and when theres people at my house

Start:7.5 BPEL X 5 MSEG

Goal: 7 MSEG

Heere We GOOooh!

If you watch a lot of porn, this might be an issue as well, in that you only seem to get good erections from watching porn, and can’t get aroused as much by interaction with real women. Also do you masturbate a lot? Just some things to consider as I know these are things that have really hurt my erection quality and something I”m working on.

Originally Posted by Chicken
Grant, I recommend you see a doctor and check testosterone levels. It doesn’t sound normal that a guy your age has this condition for so long. Are you doing kegel exercises? These can affect your EQ really good.

My T levels are fine, I’ve checked a bunch of times, but I’ve never actually talked to a doctor about this issue.mainly cause I feel like there’s not much they can do. There’s no way in hell they’d condone PE exercises and they’ll probably just hand me some pills, which is only a temporary solution.

But I guess it can’t hurt to ask and see if there’s something else, just to be safe. I’ll schedule an appointment for next week.

And yes, I used to be religious about KE exercises and I think I overdid them to the point where it made my ejaculate way quicker. I’ve taken a break from them and I’m starting to come back to them slowly now.

Originally Posted by LordVayne
I second the advice on girth work, every time I take a break and then come back to it, I often have to excuse myself from public situations and when theres people at my house

Lol I’d love to have that problem. I’ll keep at it and let you know how it works!

Originally Posted by PenisMagee
If you watch a lot of porn, this might be an issue as well, in that you only seem to get good erections from watching porn, and can’t get aroused as much by interaction with real women. Also do you masturbate a lot? Just some things to consider as I know these are things that have really hurt my erection quality and something I”m working on.

Yeah that used to be a problem for me and so for the past year, I’ve made it a general rule not to watch porn. But I feel like my sex drive has actually gone down whereas most guys say there’s has gone up. Weird huh? But each guys is different I guess.

Originally Posted by grant_malkom

Yeah that used to be a problem for me and so for the past year, I’ve made it a general rule not to watch porn. But I feel like my sex drive has actually gone down whereas most guys say there’s has gone up. Weird huh? But each guys is different I guess.

Hum, that’s weird, but I guess we are all different, and are all affected differently. Have you considered edging? I’m still experimenting with trying to tone my porn viewing down substantially. And hopefully my erection quality will improve by doing so. If not I’m thinking I might start edging more on the days off from masturbating & sex.

I have been doing the newbie routine fairly religiously since the end of February. I have been doing 5 days on and 2 day break and have only missed 2 days total out of the 2.5 months or so I have been doing it. I have been doing a 50% wet jelq and I found definite positive EQ improvement within a week of starting my PE routine.

I would recommend trying about a 50% wet jelq routine for about 2 weeks and see if that helps you

The point is working the smooth muscle inside your penis will increase the hardness when erect wheres working the tunica trough stretching will weak your erection although it expands you penis tissues as well.

Start (october 2010) : BPEL 18,5 cm ; EL 17,5 cm ; MSEG 13,75 cm ,BEG 14,25 cm ;FL 12 cm ; FG 10,75 cm ; BPFSL 18,5 cm

3 months later ( January 2011) : BPEL 19 cm ; EL 18 cm ; MSEG 14 cm ; BEG 14,5 cm FL (hard to say if it grows due to size shifting of the soft state.. The same as before or bigger!) ; FG 11 cm ; BPFSL 19 cm***all hard sizes taken @ my hardest and doing a kegel***Goal: cementing a round 18 x 14 hard coupled with a good EQ.

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