Thunder's Place

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routine too short?

routine too short?


I have been PE for 2 weeks now and usually only get about 10-15 minute of jelqing in before I have to go to work. (I work out in the am) I was wondering if that is enough, with stretches to see results or should I comit to finding more time?

I am currently 6” erect and looking for 8” in length. Also, 5” circumference looking for 6”.

Stay on my current routine or increase?

Also, I have hesitated to go to pumping, since I have read it is marginally effective- is that true or would that be something to encorporate?

Thanks from a newbie,


To start with it’s OK but sooner or later you will need to add more time. If you have the privacy you should add more time, you might want to consider a workout in the morning then one at night that’s what I did in my early days. Good luck


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’d definitely try to get more time in. I am just starting too but from what I have read, the more you can ‘stress’ the penis tissue by exercising it, the better chance you have for gains. What newbie’s like us have to be careful of is going too far. Never feel bad about stopping an exercise if it is painful. Watch for red dots on your penis, a sign of rupturing blood vessels in the penis. And most important, take at least one day off to let you body recover and heal. The day off is actually the time that the gains take place due to the healing process.
As far as pumping goes, I have not done alot of reading on that subject. There is a pumping section on this website, do as I did, read as much as you can and then read some more.

Good Luck,

Life isn't fair, but why be bitter? Life is way too short to go though with a bad attitude.

Thanks for the information and the quick responses. I will start increasing the time on the jelqing. I also stretch at every opportunity, say when in the restroom for a count of 15-30 seconds, up-down-left and right and also at night.

I could add dry jelqing at lunch (when I am not entertaining clients) do you think that would help?

Anyway, thanks again

You are certainly doing enough for basic conditioning, but probably not enough to get gains. What you are doing is a much better way to start out IMO than guys that jump right in for 2 hours a day and break their dick within a week or two. If you can fit in a workout at lunch go for it; also,work it over before bed like dino wrote. As far as general health, conditioning, circulation, etc jelqing can’t be beat. To actually get the thing longer you will probably need to add more stretching into your routine.

Oh, and whatever you do take the long view. For most this is a very long drawn out process; however, if you start gaining fast and with little effort more power to you. Then just stick with whatever is working and keep us all updaited on your gains.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

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