Sad. Sad. Sad. :(
I just cant seem to stay motivated long enough to see any results. I have tried working out for 2 months with no results.
The funny part is, I have really let my penis size ruin my life. I walk around thinking everyone has a bigger penis then me. I really let it affect my confidense. I have ended my friendships with other men, because they would let me know their penis size in a joking way all the time. The person was nice and all but it really bothered me that he had a bigger wang then me, and I felt inferior, not that I wanted to be superior to him, but I just wanted us to be equal. I am 6’ 5” and Im hung at 5.5” maybe 6” if I am exciting do you know how disapointing that is. I mean I see all these incredibly attractive girls, that I think find me attractive, but I cant commit to meeting them because I am afraid that when and if it came to sex, I would be laughed at in bed! Or straight up rejected!
I really hate being so underendowed! I wish I knew for a certainty that P.E. did in fact work!