Science Question: IR Heat
I’ve been wanting to incorporate infrared light therapy into my routine. I am specifically looking for a way to wrap a heat source around my 9x1.75" pump cylinder so that I can have heat throughout my sessions. This company, Thermotex, makes a fairly expensive IR heating pad that doesn’t emit visible light, only infrared. This is what I suppose I want. Here’s a link.
http://www.myhe … om/products.htm
There’s probably a cheaper site to buy this from, but look at the ‘wrist’ wrap. 8x2. I feel that this could wrap perfectly around my acrylic cylinder and could act as both a warmup device and produce a light therapy effect. However, I am no scientist and I am worried as to whether or not the heat will penetrate the acrylic tube. I realize I could probably find this information online somewhere else, but I’d like to hear your opinions and share this idea.
Should I fork over 80 bucks for a seemingly ideal heat source? (My right wrist takes some heavy punishment through playing drums and masturbating, so my penis wouldn’t be the only beneficiary :) ) I don’t mind spending the money and light therapy really intrigues me. Or is there a cheaper way to produce this effect?
Thanks for hearing me out.
Sound Edge
Last edited by Sound Edge : 07-27-2008 at .